


2 years, 23 days ago



"The sky is more beautiful here"

Krin is considered a strange person by some, who fall from the sky (literally) isolated in the old barn far from the village, always building several robots although she keeps saying that she can't stand them. But despite the bad mood and the sometimes rude answers she is a person who always tries to help those she cares about, she is just a person who prefers to have her own space, disappearing from everyone's view from time to time and then coming back as if nothing had happened.

The people of the village know practically nothing about her since she came out of nowhere and doesn't comment on her past, but over time they got used to her and don't make a point of asking anymore.


Name Krin/alecrim/Kirin
Age Adult
Gender Female
Species Cyborg (she prefers fennec hybrid)
Birthday august 18
Height 1,62
Orientation bi demi
Occupation mechanic/aviator (past)

  • build robots or mechanical items/making diy
  • Shiny things
  • collect things in the junk yard
  • junk food/alcohol

  • doing nothing, she feels immensely bored and cannot stay still for more than a few minutes
  • When her robot assistants are more of a hindrance than a help
  • When Reizen fights her because of her unhealthy habits


  • Se você cantar alecrim dourado perto dela ela vai te xingar, ela não suporta mais ouvir essa musica kk
  • She sleeps in a "hammock/bed" made from the remains of her plane
  • Even though her house is always full of robots, she has no patience with them and constantly says that she doesn't like robots. The robots that live with her are already used to it and don't care but some people in the village still find it extremely confusing
  • Because of the big scar on her back, she always wears bandages, even under her clothes.
  • Her mechanical parts run on solar energy, which is usually shown on the metal arm, when she runs out of energy (because of too many cloudy days or other cases like when she forgets to leave the house) she gets extremely tired and sleepy. It's dangerous for her to be alone like this for a long time.
  • All of her mechanical parts are connected by an AI that she calls Dart. They can talk in her mind and he can control himself if he wants to (which is why she avoids getting into a fight with him) but he spends most of his time sleeping and is rarely awake. Sometimes when wearing glasses his eyes can be visible

Design Notes

  • can be drawn with wings/or mechanical claws on the back or with nothing
  • Can be draw with the coat or with the bands
  • When the solar energy is low the wings and blood change to an orange hue.


Krin at the beginning was a mechanic and engineer who was especially interested in robotics and worked in a workshop of a large organization in the big city, but one day she had an accident in the gears and her wings were ripped from her body, in addition to having a great damage in hand. She was given mechanical parts to make up for the ones she lost but it wasn't the same, they needed sunlight to work and her new wings didn't fly for more than a few hours. With that she decided to change jobs and become an aviator, where she could at least fly long distances again. Until the day her plane crashed.

She woke up in a strange place where she saw nothing but wheat. She found an abandoned barn but it was full of junk, especially mechanical parts, and as she was still having some trauma/robot resentment she left it and decided to see if she could find out where she was and how to get out.

Far away she found a small village, the inhabitants found it strange to have a person they had never seen around there and were a little afraid, but little by little they realized that she was not a threat and helped her with the injuries and explained a little more about the village. She found out that to get out of there she would have to fly for a long time, witch was not possible, or pack a big suitcase to prepare for a loooong trip. Disheartened by the news she returned to her crashed plane as she thought about what she would do.

The next day she woke up and decided that maybe it was time for a fresh start and decided that she was going to live there, and since no one was using the barn she decided to clean it up and turn it into her house and workshop. In the middle of the junk she found an android turned off and that ended up making her curious, so overcoming her hatred for robots a little (even because deep down inside she missed that) she worked to turn it back on, hoping that maybe they could give her give some answers about that place. Sometimes she regrets it a little because besides not giving any answers (he had no memories of anything) now he is always close to her and keeps complaining about her unhealthy habits, but deep down she likes him.

She currently spends her days building robots or fixing the villagers' electronics in exchange for supplies, and she might not admit it but she's enjoying her new life a lot more, where the days are quiet (sometimes to the point where she finds it boring) and she made friends with the people of the village, becoming part of the community. She could have told her people at work that she was fine, but she preferred them to believe she was dead so that no one would come after her.

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