


1 year, 9 months ago



"I will not fail again.."

Reizen is serious and has a bit of a sarcastic humor from time to time, but he has his own way of showing affection to those he cares about. He spends a lot of time around people who are important to him and has a few overprotective tendencies from time to time that mostly annoy Krin. Even if it doesn't seem like it, he's also the kind of person who will always be there when you need something.

He is called the ghost of the barn by the villagers as they swear he is the ghost of the legend that the barn was cursed and because of that they act strangely towards him from time to time, but Reizen finds the story funny and don't really care about it


Name Reizen
Age dont remember
Gender Genderless
Species Android
Birthday August 14
Height 1,70
Orientation ???
Occupation Bodyguard/Police (both past)

  • Action. Sometimes he trains parkour because it is one of the only ways to have action in the village
  • Hide Krin's drinks and junk food, she on the other hand learned to hide them or buy them on the spot
  • Help others

  • When the twins start making too much of a mess
  • The self-deprecating jokes Krin makes
  • Kids. For some reason that he doesn't know whenever he sees one he starts to get distressed and sad, he thinks it must have something to do with his past


  • Because of his appearance, many people mistake him for a girl and use feminine pronouns, but he doesn't make any point of correcting it since doesn't matter much to him, usually some people change pronouns when they see Reizen referring to himself in the masculine, others just keep calling in feminine
  • Have something like a "second mind" that is actually a projection of his programming, they help him by calculating moves and better choices for some situations and Reizen can choose whether or not to follow them. The two don't talk to each other though, not because they can't, but because it looks like the projection doesn't want to (for some reason) so Reizen stoped trying
  • His wings don't seem to work, so even if he has them he can't fly. Krin tried to fix it but without much success as she didn't have much knowledge of how his technology works in some aspects
  • He can change color in some parts of his body (like his "clothes" for example) he just doesn't usually do it because he thinks it's unnecessary

Design Notes

  • Can be draw with wings and without
  • The holographic hand on his head only appears when he wants to and changes color with emotions, it can be yellow or red (and off when deactivated)
  • The clothes can be a different color, but they are part of his body, so they can't be taken off (they can be covered with other things though)


Reizen was created with the main purpose of being a police officer in dangerous cases, because as he is an android he could be repaired even if he suffered damage, so he spent a good part of his life facing adrenaline situations and doing his best to help as much as possible people he could. At that time he didn't express many emotions, he had a job and he was going to do it, that's all, but little by little he started to become more aware of the emotions of those around him (thugs, victims, family members, etc) and with that his vision started to go from black and white to some gray areas. Some people at work started joking that he had gotten "soft"

But because of this in one of the missions he got distracted from his main mission to help a civilian who ended up getting into the situation unintentionally and ended up critically wounding himself. He was taken back and repaired, but his wings and some of the other parts of his body and system had stopped working and he was deemed unable to continue working as it could happen again.

Without having a job Reizen had been a bit aimless (and nowhere to live) so he just wandered around for a long time until the day he found a family, a father and a daughter who lived in a wheat field. The father was a robot builder and was super surprised and interested in Reizen, so the two accepted the strange android on their farm and for a while Reizen went to live there, helping on the farm and occasionally taking care of the girl, who stayed very attached to him. Despite the calm Reizen started to enjoy living there, although his projection, which acted as his conscience, was not very satisfied with it and complained from time to time, getting a little paranoid and seeing danger everywhere, but even they started to accept the situation (even though they didn't admit it)

But one day the girl had an accident, because of the heavy rains one of the power poles ended up being damaged and this resulted in the child's death. After that everything changed, the atmosphere there became depressing and the girl's father was devastated, becoming more and more closed off and sinking into drinks, cigarettes and everything that ended up causing great damage to his body. Reizen was super sad but even so he was trying to help him so that he didn't reach that level, but it didn't help and little by little all his creations and tools were accumulating in the place, until one day where something happended. Reizen was turned off and the father disappeared shortly thereafter, the reason why this happened or what happened to him is unknown to Reizen. His projection was silent after that, as if they refused to take affection for anyone again, as until that moment caring about people had only brought disaster and destruction to Reizen.

Years later a small village formed in the distance, they didn't dare enter the abandoned barn as the legend arose that it was a haunted and cursed place, so Reizen was destined to stay there until it spoiled, which was really starting to happen alredy. Until a girl showed up

Her plane had crashed nearby and having decided to live in the barn she cleaned it up and ended up finding Reizen and fixing it. But he had no recollection of anything from the past, either because of time or if whoever turned him off did something to him is unknown, but he doesn't remember who he was or what he was doing there, only that he felt that he sould protect the strange girl for some reason, moving in with her and making sure she's okay. His projection spoke to him only once, telling him that his name was Reizen, and then they was silent to this day, only giving visual advice when calculating the best choices for each situation, but sometimes Reizen can swears he sees they talking to get away from the girl.

Currently his life has been very peaceful and happy, although a little boring, but even with the urge to do something that gives him adrenaline soemtimes, most of the time he enjoys this boredom. He spends most of his time in the barn spending time with the girl and the other robots that live there, as well as occasionally going to the village and interacting with the inhabitants, although they act a little strange around him.

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