Hogan Stonebreaker



Hogan arrogant . dangerous . loyal . mysterious . stubborn



Hogan was born on August 29th in the depths of the hellish realm known as the Infernal Wastes. As a Virgo, he possesses a keen intellect and a meticulous nature, traits often overshadowed by his chaotic and unpredictable demeanor. From a young age, Hogan displayed a fierce independence and an unwavering determination to carve his own path through the fiery landscape of the underworld.

Standing at an imposing height of 7'4", Hogan's physique is a testament to his lineage as a Wolf Hellhound—a fearsome breed known for their unmatched strength and ferocity. With sleek fur and piercing red eyes that seem to glow with infernal fire, he strikes an imposing figure amidst the shadows of the abyss.

Despite his intimidating appearance, Hogan is not without his complexities. Arrogant and dangerous, he exudes an aura of confidence that borders on arrogance, often making him a formidable presence in the infernal hierarchy. However, beneath his brash exterior lies a deep-seated loyalty to those he deems worthy, a trait that sets him apart from his more treacherous kin.


  • Battle:
    Hogan relishes the thrill of combat, finding solace in the chaos of the battlefield where his instincts and strength are put to the test.
  • Solitude:
    Despite his occasional alliances, Hogan is most comfortable in the solitude of the Infernal Wastes, where he can roam freely without the constraints of society.
  • Victory:
    Hogan takes great pride in his accomplishments, reveling in the sweet taste of victory when he emerges triumphant against formidable foes.
  • Challenges:
    Hogan enjoys facing challenges that push him to his limits, whether it be overcoming powerful adversaries or solving intricate puzzles.
  • Exploration:
    Despite being familiar with the terrain of the underworld, Hogan harbors a curiosity for exploring new realms and uncovering hidden secrets buried within the depths of the abyss.


  • Authority:
    Hogan bristles at the notion of being controlled or constrained by others, harboring a deep-seated disdain for authority figures who seek to impose their will upon him.
  • Deception: Despite his own penchant for secrecy, Hogan despises deceit and betrayal, viewing those who engage in such treachery with contempt.
  • Weakness:
    Hogan has little patience for those who display weakness or cowardice, viewing such traits as a hindrance to survival in the harsh realities of the underworld.
  • Injustice:
    While Hogan may embrace chaos, he holds a sense of honor that recoils at the sight of injustice and oppression, often taking a stand against those who would seek to exploit the weak.
  • Confined Spaces:
    As a creature of the wild, Hogan feels suffocated in cramped or confined spaces, preferring the vast expanse of the open wilderness where he can roam freely.



Hogan was born into a pack of fierce hellhounds in the depths of the Infernal Wastes. Raised amidst the chaos of the underworld, he quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation as a formidable warrior and leader among his kin. Despite his fierce demeanor, Hogan harbored ambitions beyond mere conquest, longing to explore the world beyond the confines of the abyss.

Driven by a thirst for adventure and a desire to forge his own destiny, Hogan sets out on a journey to seek his fortune in the wider world. Along the way, he encounters allies and adversaries alike, each testing his strength and resolve in different ways. Despite the challenges he faces, Hogan remains steadfast in his quest, determined to carve his own path through the chaos of the hellaverse.




Hogan admires Ryker's adaptability and charisma, recognizing him as a valuable ally in navigating the dangers of the underworld. He appreciates Ryker's leadership and values their camaraderie on their journeys.



Hogan finds Bunji's anxious nature intriguing but worries about his ability to handle the challenges of the underworld. Despite this, he sees potential in Bunji's loyalty and kindness, hoping to help him find confidence in himself.



Hogan deeply respects Elliott's unwavering dedication to the farm, seeing him as the backbone of their community. He values Elliott's hard work and reliability, knowing he can always count on him in times of need.

Hogan Stonebreaker
Wolf Hellhound
August 29th, 1993
Chaotic Neutral