Stella Winterfell



5 months, 5 days ago


Stella Winterfell

"Short quote or tagline goes here."

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Artist Name




Stella Winterfell is an Alaskan Noble Companion Dog Hellhound who was born into the formidable Brimstone Howlers pack, deep within the wilds of the Wrath Ring. Her life drastically changed at three years old when she was captured and sold into a hellhound adoption agency. Purchased by a noble family in the Sloth Ring, she was trained to serve as a guardian for Noelle, an Ars Goetia, and remained loyal until Noelle’s untimely death in June 2024.

Stella is fiercely loyal, strong-willed, and independent, traits she developed during her years as a protector and her current journey of survival. She is still recovering from grave injuries sustained in a battle against angels, including a broken arm, and now finds herself homeless and adrift, unsure of her place in the world without her charge. Her determination, however, remains unshaken, and she continues to seek her path in Hell's dangerous landscapes.

A natural guardian with a tough exterior, Stella values loyalty and duty above all else, but beneath her hardened shell, she craves connection and companionship. As she navigates her way through this new phase of life, she remains grounded in her instincts to protect, even when unsure who or what her next purpose will be.

Stella's journey is one of resilience, survival, and the ongoing search for meaning beyond loss. Her past as a loyal protector and her present challenges shape her into a character who embodies both strength and vulnerability.


Stella is a complex individual, balancing assertiveness with a surprising vulnerability. She's fiercely independent and not afraid to speak her mind, though her sharp exterior often hides a softer side she rarely shows. Her protective instincts are strong, especially when it comes to those she cares about, and though she may seem aloof, her loyalty runs deep for those who earn her trust.


  • Loyal
  • Determined
  • Independent
  • Caring (deep down)


  • Blunt
  • Stoic
  • Private
  • Skeptical


  • Stubborn
  • Aloof
  • Jealous
  • Harsh


Stella carries herself with confidence, often appearing calm, collected, and distant. She prefers to keep to herself, avoiding unnecessary attention or socializing unless absolutely necessary. Her bluntness and cool demeanor often make others wary of approaching her, and she rarely goes out of her way to make friends. However, she exudes an air of authority that draws respect, and people know not to mess with her. Despite her aloof nature, she’s highly observant, always aware of her surroundings, and quick to react when needed.


When she’s away from the public eye, Stella relaxes slightly but remains reserved. She values her personal space and enjoys quiet time to herself, often reflecting or working on her own projects. She’s more vulnerable in private, allowing herself to feel emotions she would never show to the outside world. Stella's softer side emerges when she’s alone, though she still struggles with expressing her feelings openly, even when she wants to.


With those she loves, Stella’s barriers come down, though she still holds onto a certain level of emotional distance. She’s protective and caring, often showing her affection through actions rather than words. Though not openly affectionate, her loved ones know they can rely on her in times of need. She becomes more patient, though her bluntness doesn’t disappear, and she might struggle to express deeper emotions. Those who truly know her understand that despite her prickly exterior, Stella values their connection more than she lets on.



Stella carries herself with a sense of guarded confidence. In public, she presents an aura of calm, stoic authority, rarely showing any emotion or vulnerability. Her posture is upright, and her movements are controlled, deliberate, and purposeful, always aware of her surroundings. There’s an underlying tension in the way she holds herself, as if she’s ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. This demeanor can make her seem intimidating to those who don’t know her, keeping others at arm’s length.

In private, however, Stella’s demeanor shifts slightly. Though she maintains her guarded posture, there’s a weariness that becomes more apparent when she’s alone. She’s still reserved but more relaxed, allowing herself to slouch or lean into furniture, showing the toll her lifestyle has taken on her body and mind.

With loved ones, her demeanor softens a bit more. She’s still not one to show overt affection, but her body language becomes more open, and she lets down her guard—at least slightly. She might be more willing to lean on someone she trusts or allow herself to appear vulnerable, though she remains hesitant to fully express her emotions.



Stella walks with a purposeful and steady gait. Her movements are efficient, not hurried but certainly not leisurely. She walks with the precision of someone who’s constantly on alert, her steps deliberate and controlled. She tends to take long strides, moving quickly when she needs to, but her posture never slouches, and her eyes are always scanning her surroundings. There’s a subtle limp from her past injuries, particularly when she’s exhausted or stressed, but it’s something she works hard to conceal, especially in public or during confrontations.


Tension Holding (Unconscious Habit)

Stella often holds tension in her body without realizing it, especially in her shoulders and jaw. When she’s stressed, she tends to clench her fists or grind her teeth, often unaware of the habit until someone points it out or she experiences discomfort.

Shadow Blending (Conscious Habit)

When in unfamiliar environments or when feeling threatened, Stella has a habit of subtly blending into shadows or dimly lit areas, using her natural abilities to become less noticeable. She does this instinctively, even in situations that don’t require it, as it makes her feel safer and more in control.

Guard Duty Posture (Unconscious Habit)

Even when she’s no longer on active duty as a guardian, Stella falls into the habit of standing in a protective posture—back straight, arms ready, and always near exits. This instinct to guard and protect remains deeply ingrained in her, even if she doesn’t have a specific person to protect.

Keeping a Blade Close (Conscious Habit)

Stella never goes anywhere without a blade or weapon within reach. Whether it’s out of habit from her years as a guardian or her fear of vulnerability, she ensures she always has a weapon nearby, even when she doesn’t expect danger.



  • Solitude: Stella appreciates quiet moments to herself, where she can reflect or simply enjoy the calm.
  • Winter Weather: With her affinity for winter, Stella enjoys the cold and the stillness it brings, much like her personality.
  • Training: She finds comfort in routine and physical training, allowing her to stay sharp and in control.
  • Loyalty: Stella values loyalty above all else, whether it’s her own or that of others, seeing it as the most important quality.
  • Outdoor adventures: Stella delights in outdoor escapades, relishing each step amidst nature's beauty. From tranquil hikes to hidden waterfalls, she finds joy in exploring the wilderness and immersing herself in its untamed splendor.
  • Cuddling: For Stella, cuddling brings comfort and joy. Nestled by the fireplace or sharing snuggles with loved ones, she finds solace in the warmth of physical closeness and the tender embrace of those she holds dear.
  • Astronomy books: Being raised in a noble family, Stella developed a love for literature, particularly books on astronomy and celestial phenomena. She enjoys delving into the pages of beautifully bound volumes filled with astronomical knowledge.
  • Celestial events: Whether it's a meteor shower, lunar eclipse, or planetary alignment, Stella eagerly anticipates celestial events and makes special arrangements to observe them from the best vantage points.


  • Betrayal: Stella has little tolerance for those who betray her or others, viewing it as the ultimate offense.
  • Incompetence: She has a low threshold for those who don’t pull their weight, especially in high-stakes situations.
  • Heat: Being from the Wrath Ring, she despises extreme heat, preferring the cold of winter.
  • Crowded Spaces: Stella isn’t fond of being in loud, busy environments. She prefers peace and quiet, where she can maintain her guard.
  • Loud noises Sudden loud noises can startle Stella, triggering her protective instincts and making her tense.
  • Thunderstorms: The loud noises and flashes of lightning during thunderstorms can make Stella anxious and uneasy.
  • Being scolded: Despite her obedience, Stella doesn't like being reprimanded and may become sulky or withdrawn afterward.
  • Chaos: Stella prefers order and stability, so she may dislike chaotic or unpredictable situations that disrupt her sense of security and routine.
  • Cruelty: She has a strong aversion to cruelty and mistreatment of others, especially towards those who are vulnerable.

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  • Sparring: Stella enjoys keeping her combat skills sharp by sparring with others or practicing on her own.
  • Shadow Walking: She often takes walks through dark, quiet areas, blending into the shadows as a way to clear her mind and relax.
  • Tracking and Scouting: As a way to keep her skills honed, she enjoys tracking different targets, using her heightened senses as practice.
  • Blade Maintenance: Stella finds comfort in cleaning and sharpening her weapons, a meditative task that reminds her of her purpose.


  • Watching the Night Sky: When she’s not training, Stella enjoys looking at the stars, finding some sense of calm in the night’s silence.
  • Strategizing: Stella spends time thinking about different scenarios and how she’d handle them, always ready to act.
  • Reading Tactical Manuals: While not a huge reader, she likes to study tactical and survival guides to keep her mind sharp.
  • Listening to Instrumental Music: Stella appreciates dark, moody instrumental music that helps her relax while maintaining her focus.

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Stella’s life has been thrown into disarray following the death of Noelle, the Ars Goetia she served as a guardian for most of her life. Once defined by her unwavering devotion to her role, Stella now finds herself lost and without purpose. Her immediate goal is survival and recovery—both physically, from the injuries she sustained during the battle with angels, and emotionally, as she grapples with the overwhelming grief and guilt of failing to protect Noelle.

At present, Stella is in a state of isolation, drifting aimlessly through the remnants of her old life. She has no clear direction or objective, and her once unshakeable sense of duty has been replaced by doubt and uncertainty. Despite her physical resilience, the emotional toll of recent events has left her vulnerable, and she struggles to find meaning or motivation. In the back of her mind, there is a growing desire for revenge against the angels responsible for Noelle’s death, though she is uncertain if or when she will act on it.

As Stella navigates this new chapter of her life, she faces the daunting task of rebuilding her sense of identity and finding a new path forward. Whether she will rise from the ashes of her past or succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume her remains to be seen.

Pre-Owned Life


Born into the Brimstone Howlers, a powerful wolf pack in the Wrath Ring, Stella learned survival and loyalty from a young age. Her early life was shaped by the brutal realities of pack life, but at age three, she was captured during a raid and sold to a hellhound adoption agency.

Owned Life


Stella’s life took a turn when she was bought by a noble family in the Sloth Ring to protect their daughter, Noelle. From Noelle’s fifth birthday onward, Stella served as her loyal companion and guardian. Raised in luxury, Stella dedicated herself entirely to Noelle, going through years of specialized training to become the perfect protector. By the age of twelve, she was a fully trained guardian and remained devoted to Noelle for the next several years.

The Battle


In June 2024, angels launched a surprise attack on the Sloth Ring. Despite Stella’s best efforts, Noelle was killed, and Stella was left with grave injuries, including a broken arm. The battle shattered her physically and emotionally, leaving her reeling from the loss and guilt of failing to protect the one person she was bound to.

Post-Battle Recovery


Now, Stella is trying to heal—though her body is mending, her emotional wounds are far deeper. She is homeless, jobless, and lost, wandering through life with no clear sense of purpose. Her thoughts often drift toward revenge against the angels, but for now, her focus remains on survival as she struggles to rebuild her life.


  • Favorite Weapon: Stella’s favorite weapon is a custom-made blade she’s carried since her guardian training. She takes meticulous care of it and always keeps it within reach.
  • Hates Flying: Despite her combat prowess, Stella is uncomfortable with flying. She finds being in the air too vulnerable and would rather keep her feet on solid ground.
  • Loves Snow: Though she has a tough exterior, Stella secretly loves watching the snowfall. It reminds her of the calm and quiet she craves and feels like the world momentarily pauses when it snows.
  • Sensitive Ears: Stella’s enhanced hearing means loud noises can be irritating or painful for her, so she avoids busy, noisy places whenever she can.
  • No Patience for Small Talk: Stella is terrible at small talk. She finds idle chatter boring and will often steer conversations back to practical matters if she can.
  • Good at Tracking: Stella is an excellent tracker, able to follow faint scents and subtle trails for miles. She’s often the first to volunteer for scouting missions, using her tracking skills to great effect.
  • Secretly Loves Puzzles: Though she doesn’t share this with others, Stella enjoys solving puzzles in her downtime. It helps her unwind while keeping her mind sharp.
  • Scar Collector: Stella has several scars from past battles, each telling a story. She doesn’t hide them and wears them proudly, seeing them as proof of her strength and resilience.
  • Doesn't Sleep Much: Stella tends to sleep lightly and for short periods, always on high alert. Her time as a guardian trained her to be a light sleeper, and she’s never quite shaken that habit.


  • Praesent non porttitor ex. Morbi vulputate risus quis sapien condimentum, vel aliquam eros scelerisque.
  • In rutrum efficitur vulputate.
  • In commodo dapibus sem ac ultrices. Sed ultricies, lorem at pulvinar commodo, massa nibh mollis turpis, sit amet hendrerit erat sem at ligula.
  • Sed pulvinar, velit nec ullamcorper commodo, nibh mi vestibulum est, accumsan hendrerit dolor elit vel erat.
  • In vel blandit quam, et porta nulla.


Character Name




Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Character Name




Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Character Name




Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.


Everyday Life



Stella currently has no permanent residence. After the death of Noelle and the subsequent battle with angels, she was left homeless, wandering through various parts of the Sloth and Wrath Rings. Her previous home in the Sloth Ring, a luxurious estate where she lived as Noelle’s guardian, is a distant memory, and she now finds herself moving from place to place, often sleeping in secluded, quiet locations where she can remain hidden.

Her living conditions are rough. She prefers isolated areas where she can be alone, such as abandoned buildings or under the cover of forests. Though her hellhound resilience allows her to withstand harsh environments, the lack of stability has taken a toll on her emotionally. She keeps her space minimalist, with only essential items like her blade and survival gear. She rarely stays in one place for long, always prepared to move if needed.


Stella’s life is highly unpredictable, with no consistent routine. Each day depends on where she is, her physical condition, and whether or not she’s encountered any threats. Typically, her day begins with scouting her surroundings, ensuring that she is safe and undetected.
Morning: Stella often rises early, surveying her environment and moving to a new location if she feels unsafe. She spends time sharpening her blade, keeping her combat skills honed, and occasionally foraging for food or supplies if needed.
Afternoon: Her afternoons are spent patrolling or tracking, using her heightened senses to stay sharp. She prefers to stay on the move, never lingering in one place for too long. Training is a constant part of her routine, so she’ll spend time sparring with herself, practicing stealth, or running through combat scenarios in her mind.
Evening: The evening is Stella’s quiet time, where she reflects on the day. If she’s found a secluded spot, she may watch the stars or listen to instrumental music to help her unwind. However, even in her downtime, she remains vigilant and prepared for any threats.
Night: Stella is a light sleeper, often waking at the slightest noise. Her nights are restless, and she’s always ready to move if danger arises. She sleeps in short bursts, keeping her weapon close by in case she needs to defend herself.



Stella is generally in good physical condition, thanks to her hellhound physiology and years of intense training. However, her mental health is more complicated, impacted by her past traumas and emotional struggles. She’s built to endure physically, but internally she carries the weight of her experiences, which can take a toll on her overall well-being.


Stella's physical health is exceptional, as she possesses the innate durability and regenerative abilities of a hellhound. She does not suffer from any major illnesses or chronic conditions and has maintained peak physical condition through years of rigorous training and combat experience. While she doesn’t have a formal exercise routine, her lifestyle of constant readiness and survival keeps her body in excellent shape. She recovers quickly from injuries, although serious wounds still require time to heal. Stella is highly resistant to environmental hazards such as extreme heat, toxins, and cold, which further bolsters her physical resilience. Her biggest physical vulnerability comes from her weakness to holy magic, which can bypass her hellhound durability and inflict serious damage.


Stella's mental health is currently fragile, worsened by the trauma of Noelle’s death in June 2024. The emotional devastation of losing her charge, combined with the physical injuries she suffered in the same battle, has left her in a state of emotional turmoil. She experiences bouts of depression and struggles with finding a sense of purpose now that she is without her guardian role. Stella's typical method of suppressing her emotions has only intensified, and without a support system in place, her mental health continues to deteriorate. She hasn’t sought out any help or coping mechanisms, instead choosing to isolate herself further.


MAY 13, 2016
Injury from Training Accident

Stella sustained a minor fracture to her left leg during her guardian training when a combat exercise went wrong. She recovered quickly due to her enhanced healing ability, though the injury caused a slight limp for a short time.

JUNE 12, 2024
Grave Injuries from Battle with Angels

Stella suffered multiple serious injuries, including a broken arm, during a battle with angels. Despite her resilience, her recovery has been slow, with lingering pain and weakness in her arm. These injuries, combined with the emotional trauma of Noelle's death, have deeply affected her both physically and mentally.


Stella’s primary motivation has always been her role as a guardian. Protecting Noelle gave her a sense of purpose and identity. With Noelle's death, Stella is left adrift, struggling to find new meaning in her life. Currently, she is motivated by survival and a desire to figure out what to do next. While she hasn’t set any concrete goals, she is driven by a deep need to regain her sense of direction and control.


  • Regain Purpose: Stella’s primary goal is to find a new purpose after losing Noelle. She feels lost without the duty that defined her for so long.
  • Recover Fully from Injuries: Stella is focused on recovering from the physical injuries she sustained during the battle with angels. Her priority is to regain her strength.
  • Rediscover Identity: Beyond finding a new job or role, Stella seeks to rediscover who she is outside of her duties as a guardian.
  • Seek Revenge (Subconscious Goal): Though she doesn't often acknowledge it, Stella harbors a growing desire for revenge against the angels who killed Noelle. This vengeful desire may eventually push her toward dangerous decisions.


  • Find Inner Peace: Stella dreams of finding peace within herself, something she’s lacked since the trauma of losing Noelle. She desires emotional stability, though she isn’t sure how to achieve it.
  • Reconnect with Loved Ones: Though she isolates herself, deep down Stella longs to reconnect with those who care about her and rebuild meaningful relationships.
  • A Safe Haven: After losing her home and job, Stella dreams of having a place where she feels safe, both physically and emotionally. This could mean finding a new family or forging new connections.
  • To Protect Again: At her core, Stella finds fulfillment in protecting others. While she no longer has a charge, she dreams of having someone to protect and serve again, giving her life renewed purpose.


  • Survival: Stella’s immediate motivation is her need to survive and stay physically capable while recovering from her injuries.
  • Fear of Being Seen as Weak: She is driven by the desire not to appear vulnerable or weak, particularly in front of others, and will push herself to maintain her tough exterior.
  • Maintaining Her Skills: She feels motivated to stay sharp and maintain her combat skills, fearing that losing them would make her useless in her own eyes.
  • Duty: Even without Noelle, Stella is still motivated by her sense of duty and responsibility, struggling to find a way to use these traits without a clear purpose.


  • Desire for Meaning: Stella is internally motivated by the need to feel her life has meaning. She wants to find something or someone that gives her a sense of purpose again.
  • Emotional Healing: Though she doesn’t openly acknowledge it, Stella is driven by a subconscious need to heal emotionally from her past traumas and reconnect with herself.
  • Self-Reliance: Stella is motivated by her fierce independence. She doesn’t want to rely on anyone and takes pride in her ability to stand on her own.
  • Protectiveness: Deep down, Stella is protective by nature. Even without Noelle, her instinct to safeguard others motivates many of her decisions, whether she realizes it or not.


  • Blames Herself for Noelle’s Death: Stella secretly believes she failed Noelle, and this guilt haunts her deeply. She hasn’t spoken about it to anyone.
  • Fear of Emotional Vulnerability: Despite her tough exterior, Stella is terrified of opening up emotionally to others. She hides this fear behind a stoic and distant persona.
  • Vengeful Desires: While she doesn’t often let it show, Stella harbors a secret desire for revenge against the angels that took Noelle’s life.
  • Isolation’s Toll: Though she isolates herself, Stella is secretly lonely and struggles with the emotional toll of her self-imposed solitude.


  • Being Useless: Stella’s greatest fear is that she no longer serves a purpose. Without a charge or a clear role, she fears she will become irrelevant or incapable.
  • Losing Control: She fears losing control of her emotions or powers, especially in high-stress situations. The idea of being vulnerable or out of control terrifies her.
  • Abandonment: Despite isolating herself, Stella has a deep-rooted fear of abandonment and being left alone. This fear stems from the loss of Noelle.
  • Failure: Stella is afraid of failing to protect those she cares about. Noelle’s death already haunts her, and the thought of failing again weighs heavily on her mind.


  • Guarding Noelle for Years: Stella successfully protected Noelle for many years, earning a reputation for her loyalty and skill.
  • Surviving the Battle with Angels: Though severely injured, Stella’s survival in the battle with angels is a testament to her resilience and strength.
  • Mastery of Hellhound Abilities: Stella has mastered many of her hellhound abilities, including her combat skills and shadow blending control, making her a formidable fighter.
  • Guardian Training Completion: Completing two years of Hellhound Guardian Training was a significant achievement in Stella’s early life, shaping her into the skilled protector she became.

Values and Beliefs


Stella’s moral compass is built on loyalty and duty. She believes fiercely in protecting those she’s entrusted with, and to her, betrayal is the ultimate wrong. Her sense of right and wrong is shaped by her upbringing within the Brimstone Howlers, where survival and loyalty to the pack were everything. She considers it morally just to eliminate threats without hesitation if it means safeguarding those under her protection. Mercy is not a concept she’s concerned with, as she believes strength and decisive action are what truly matter in maintaining order and safety.


Loyalty: Above all else, Stella values loyalty. She’s lived her entire life devoted to Noelle and believes that unwavering loyalty to one’s duty or charge is what defines a person’s worth. She’s willing to go to any lengths for those who earn her loyalty.
Strength: Stella has little patience for weakness, both in herself and others. She believes in cultivating strength—physical, mental, and emotional—and values those who can endure hardship and remain standing.
Independence: Stella highly values self-reliance. Having been left to fend for herself after losing her family, she believes that depending on others too much is a weakness.
Duty: A core part of Stella’s identity is the idea of duty. She was trained to serve and protect, and this sense of duty is woven into her actions and decisions. She holds herself accountable to fulfill her obligations and expects the same from others.


Fate is Unforgiving: Stella doesn’t believe in destiny or that things happen for a reason. She views the world as harsh and indifferent, where survival is not guaranteed, and outcomes are shaped by actions and strength alone.
Revenge is Just: Though she doesn’t openly pursue revenge, Stella believes that wrongs should be avenged. She harbors a quiet belief that justice can be achieved through retribution, particularly against the angels responsible for Noelle’s death.
Trust Must Be Earned: Stella doesn’t believe in giving trust freely. In her experience, trust is fragile and must be earned through actions. She’s slow to trust others and rarely allows herself to rely on anyone, preferring to stay guarded.



VOICE CLAIM: Name of Actor

Stella’s voice would likely be deep, confident, and smooth. Her speech is clear, direct, and to the point, rarely wasting words. She enunciates well, but her tone often carries a hint of coldness or detachment, unless she’s angry, in which case it becomes sharp and cutting.

Stella speaks with a calm authority, rarely showing vulnerability through her words. She’s formal with strangers but more casual with those she trusts. Her tone can be blunt, and she doesn’t bother with pleasantries or small talk, preferring to get straight to the point.


Stella rarely laughs, and when she does, it’s usually a short, dry chuckle, often at someone else’s expense. Her laughter is subdued and quiet, as if she’s holding something back. It takes something truly unexpected or ironic to make her laugh openly.


Stella swears, but not excessively. She uses strong language when she’s angry or frustrated, particularly during battles or moments of high tension. She’s conscious of her environment but doesn’t hesitate to swear if the situation calls for it. She prefers harsher, direct insults or curses.


Avoids Eye Contact: Stella often avoids eye contact, especially when she's annoyed or deep in thought, preferring to keep her gaze elsewhere to maintain emotional distance.
Talks with Her Hands (Subtly): Though she doesn’t gesture much, she occasionally emphasizes her words with small, sharp movements of her hands, particularly when giving orders or making a point.
Pauses Before Speaking: She often takes a moment to think before she speaks, making her words seem more measured and deliberate.
Scans the Room: Even in conversation, Stella's eyes tend to dart around, surveying her surroundings as if anticipating a threat.


  • "These demons are incompetent..."
    —Stella, annoyed with the service at Sterling & Associates Law Firm
  • "I'm not sorry he smells like a stalker!"
    —Referring to Kaz because she kept smelling him around Noelle.
  • "Maybe you're as useless as every other imp."
    —Stella to Kaz because he refused to help her.



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.

Value Tracker



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Skills and Abilities



Stella’s education was non-traditional, largely centered around what her hellhound family deemed essential for survival and service. Homeschooled during her formative years, she was taught the skills that a hellhound might need: basic survival, combat, and how to serve a powerful master. Her upbringing focused less on academic subjects and more on practical knowledge, such as reading, writing, and basic arithmetic, but only as it applied to her role as a guardian.

At the age of 16, Stella underwent two years of Hellhound Guardian Training. This formalized her combat abilities, enhancing her reflexes, strength, and skills in tracking and protection. She was a quick learner when it came to physical and tactical training but struggled more with any theoretical aspects of her lessons. Stella wasn't one to study or follow structured systems, preferring hands-on experience over bookwork. Her training made her highly capable in her role as a guardian, though she retains little academic knowledge.

Her best subject was combat strategy—she excelled in thinking on her feet and analyzing her environment during training sessions. Her worst subject was anything unrelated to her role as a hellhound guardian. Studying was never a focus for her, and she was known to be disinterested in memorizing facts or figures unless it had practical applications.

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Guardian to Ars Goetia Noelle (Former, Full-Time)

Stella served as the personal guardian to Noelle, a member of the Ars Goetia, from the age of 4 until Noelle's untimely death. Her duties included protecting Noelle from harm, monitoring her safety, and executing any necessary defensive measures. This role defined Stella’s life for many years, and she was fully dedicated to it. While the work was physically demanding and mentally draining, Stella found a sense of purpose in it. The position gave her a structured existence, though it left little room for her personal interests or self-development outside of the job.

Jobless (Current, Full-Time)

With Noelle’s death, Stella now finds herself without a job and, more distressingly, without purpose. Having spent most of her life in the role of a guardian, she’s struggling to adjust to life without that anchor. She’s uncertain of her future, feeling adrift without a sense of direction or clear path forward. While she still possesses the skills and training of a seasoned guardian, she’s hesitant to seek out new work, unsure if she’s ready to start again after such a profound loss.

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Despite her enhanced physical abilities, Stella can still overexert herself if she pushes too hard. If she uses her hellfire or physical strength too often in a short period, she risks wearing herself out, which can leave her vulnerable. Her stamina, though higher than normal, has its limits, especially after long bouts of combat or using her abilities extensively.

Emotional instability


Stella’s hellhound nature strongly influences her temperament, often leading to emotional instability. Her temper can flare unexpectedly, especially when she feels threatened or cornered, making her prone to rash decisions in moments of heightened emotion. This instability can also disrupt her ability to control her powers—such as her hellfire and shadow manipulation—leading to unpredictable results. In extreme cases, her emotions might lead her to overexert herself, compromising her otherwise formidable abilities.


Combat proficiency


Stella is highly skilled in combat, having undergone formal Hellhound Guardian Training for two years. Her training sharpened her reflexes, strength, and hand-to-hand combat abilities. She’s particularly adept at close-quarters combat, using her physical prowess and quick thinking to outmaneuver opponents. Her skills were honed further through years of real-world experience protecting Noelle, making her a formidable fighter.

Tracking and hunting


As a guardian hellhound, Stella is skilled in tracking targets, whether it be prey, enemies, or her charge. She developed this skill during her training and perfected it in the field, becoming highly proficient in following trails and sensing danger. Her natural hellhound instincts enhance her ability to track by scent, making her an excellent scout and protector.

Weapon Handling


Though primarily focused on unarmed combat, Stella has also developed skills in handling various weapons, especially blades. She’s competent with both melee and ranged weapons, though she prefers using her natural strength and agility in combat.

Stealth and reconnaissance


Stella can move silently and quickly when needed, especially when she's on a mission to protect or track. Her ability to remain unnoticed makes her highly effective as a guardian, allowing her to observe threats from the shadows before engaging.


Enhanced Strength and Agility (Hellhound Physiology)


As a hellhound, Stella possesses heightened physical abilities compared to ordinary beings. She’s significantly stronger and faster, which allows her to overpower opponents in combat and move with lightning speed when necessary. This ability is part of her natural physiology, and she uses it in her everyday life as well as in battle. However, she tries to avoid flaunting her strength in casual situations, preferring to keep a low profile unless needed.

Heightened Senses


Stella’s senses—sight, smell, and hearing—are far superior to those of most creatures. This allows her to detect threats from great distances, track individuals through their scent, and remain alert to dangers that others might miss. This ability is constant and affects her day-to-day life, making her hyper-aware of her surroundings.

Shadow blending


One of Stella’s more subtle and unique abilities is her power to manipulate shadows and darkness. She can blend into the shadows, effectively becoming invisible to the naked eye. In dimly lit environments, Stella can move silently and evade detection, using darkness as a cover to ambush targets or escape dangerous situations unnoticed. This ability works best in low-light conditions and allows her to remain hidden, making her a master at stealth operations.


Taser or stun gun


Stella carries a taser or stun gun for situations demanding immediate incapacitation of a threat. These devices deliver a non-lethal electric shock, temporarily disabling attackers and allowing Stella to neutralize the danger swiftly.

Sword or blade


As a formidable guardian, Stella wields a sword or blade as her primary weapon for self-defense and combat. These well-crafted weapons provide reach, power, and precision in close-quarters combat, enabling Stella to effectively fend off threats and protect her handler or companions.

Protective gear


Stella is equipped with specialized armor or protective gear to shield her from physical harm during confrontations or dangerous situations.

Travel gear


Stella carries a backpack or harness with compartments to store essential items like water bottles, snacks, a portable bowl for drinking, and a foldable blanket or sleeping pad for outdoor adventures or long patrols.



Stella relies on a compact and reliable compass to navigate unfamiliar terrain or find her way back home if she gets lost during missions or explorations.



Stella carries a versatile multi-tool with features like a knife, screwdriver, bottle opener, and scissors, which proves invaluable for various tasks, from repairing equipment to foraging for resources in the wilderness.

First Aid Kit


Stella carries a basic first aid kit containing essential supplies like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and medications to treat minor injuries or provide emergency medical care until professional help arrives.



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Gift Art/ Writing
Different Outfits
Different Hairstyle
Interacting with your OC(s)

Open To...

Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships


Full Name

Stella Raine Shadowmane Winterfell

Nickname(s)/ Aliases


Age (Biological)


Age (Appearance)



June 5th, 1997

Star Sign











Alaskan Noble Companion Hellhound


Wrath Ring


Pride Ring



Blood Color


Dominant Hand





Lawful Neutral


The Guardian

Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Relationship Status






Black Coffee











Day of the Week


Time of Day






Genre of Books


Genre of Music


Genre of Shows

Crime Dramas

Genre of Movies

Action or Thrillers

Genre of Games

Puzzle or Strategy



Song Title


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