Elliott Wildwood



8 years, 13 days ago


Elliott courageous . hardy . patient . rowdy . trustworthy



Elliott was born on March 9th, under the sign of Pisces, in the rugged countryside of the Infernal Wastes. As a Saint Bernard Hellhound, he embodies the steadfast loyalty and unwavering courage associated with his breed, tempered by the chaotic nature of the underworld. Standing tall at 7'1", Elliott's imposing stature and gentle demeanor make him a beloved figure on the farm where he works.

From a young age, Elliott displayed a natural aptitude for hard work and perseverance, traits instilled in him by the demanding environment of the infernal realm. Patient and dependable, he is known among his peers for his unshakeable resolve and willingness to lend a paw to those in need.

As a farmhand, Elliott spends his days tending to the crops and livestock that dot the sprawling landscape of the underworld. With his rowdy spirit and courageous heart, he tackles each task with enthusiasm and determination, earning the trust and admiration of all who know him.


  • Working on the Farm:
    Elliott finds joy and fulfillment in tending to the crops and animals on the farm. He takes pride in his work and enjoys the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of his labor.
  • Nature and the Outdoors:
    As someone who spends most of his time outdoors, Elliott has a deep appreciation for nature and the beauty of the countryside. He finds solace in the tranquility of the open fields and the serenity of the wilderness.
  • Helping Others:
    Elliott derives great satisfaction from helping others, whether it's assisting his fellow farmhands with their chores or coming to the aid of travelers in need. He values the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those around him.
  • Physical Activity:
    With his rowdy spirit and hardy constitution, Elliott enjoys engaging in physical activities such as roughhousing, hiking, and exploring the rugged terrain of the underworld. He thrives on the thrill of adventure and the challenge of pushing his limits.
  • Peace and Quiet:
    Despite the occasional chaos of farm life, Elliott appreciates moments of peace and quiet, where he can relax and unwind amidst the gentle rhythms of nature.


  • Disrespect for Animals:
    As a guardian of the farm and a lover of animals, Elliott deeply dislikes seeing mistreatment or disrespect towards animals. He feels a strong sense of responsibility to ensure the welfare and well-being of the creatures under his care and will not tolerate cruelty or neglect towards them.
  • Environmental Degradation:
    Given his close connection to nature and the outdoors, Elliott despises the destruction and degradation of the environment. He believes in the importance of preserving and protecting the natural world for future generations.
  • Disharmony among Companions:
    Elliott values unity and cooperation among his fellow farmhands and companions. He dislikes discord and conflict within his community, striving to foster a sense of harmony and camaraderie among those he works with. He finds it disheartening when disagreements or rivalries threaten to disrupt the peace and productivity of the farm.
  • Lack of Responsibility:
    Given his strong work ethic and sense of duty, Elliott dislikes laziness and irresponsibility in himself and others. He believes in taking ownership of one's actions and responsibilities, striving to fulfill his duties with diligence and integrity.



Elliott was born on a humble farm nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Infernal Wastes. From a young age, he learned the value of hard work and perseverance, helping his family tend to the crops and livestock that sustained them in the harsh environment of the underworld. Despite the challenges they faced, Elliott's family instilled in him a deep sense of pride and duty towards their land.

As he grew older, Elliott's ambitions extended beyond the boundaries of the farm, fueling his desire to explore the world beyond. However, his sense of loyalty to his family and their farm kept him tethered to the land he called home. But when the farm comes under threat from external forces, Elliott is forced to confront his fears and step up to defend everything he holds dear.




Elliott sees Hogan as a guardian of the farm, respecting his strength and fierce loyalty. He values their partnership in protecting their home and admires Hogan's courage in facing the challenges of the underworld.



Elliott admires Ryker's adventurous spirit and sees him as a source of inspiration on their journeys through the underworld. He appreciates Ryker's leadership and values their friendship and shared experiences.



Elliott empathizes with Bunji's anxious nature and seeks to offer him reassurance and support. He values Bunji's kind-heartedness and believes in his potential to overcome his fears and thrive in the underworld.

Saint Bernard Hellhound
March 9th, 1981
Lawful Good