Wavelength 🌈's Comments

Heya!! I saw this silly kitty and would absolutely love to snag them for a story of mine if you're okay with it (here's the story if you're interested!! :D https://toyhou.se/The-Ghosts-of-July/characters/folder:677522 )!! I love their design so much and they'd fit right into the world of it, already I'm imagining them as one of the main troublemakers of the city that wanders around causing mischief. Since all the characters in the story have magic I think I'd probably have them be able to change colors and camouflage themself kinda like a chameleon!! I'm not sure what I'd name them yet (I'm the worst at coming up with names JFGBF) but most definitely something to do with their powers/colors in general hehe :3

That sounds awesome!! They're all yours, and good luck writing your story! :D

Eee thank you so so much!! I can't wait to draw them and include them in the story!! <333

Such a fun kitty!