


1 year, 9 months ago



Content Warnings
  • Scars
Spolier Warning: Spoilers for Crowflight's scar, fur, and suffix backstory.

"So... will you quit?"

— Crowflight to Eaglepaw

Crowflight is a Black and white speckled she-cat with yellow eyes, known for her mangled tail.

Crowflight is currently the deputy of PeakClan. Born with a pure black pelt and named Crowkit, she was the last generation to grow up fearing the harsh environment and dangerous, large predators.

During her apprentice years, Crowpaw grew up despising the death, lack of food, and lack of paws to help out around her. Eventually, while in between hunting patrols, she learns the art of catching birds out of mid-air, and earns her warrior name, Crowflight.

Now, as she watches Eaglepaw struggle to pursue a mouse-brained dream, she can no longer sit back and watch. Knowing the consequence of ignoring ones limits, she tries to convince him to quit his attempt at becoming a full fledged warrior.

Senior warrior:
Deputy Position
Preceded by:
Succeeded by:
Book Appearances





Crowkit was the born in the last generation to truly know the mountains as a harsh, lethal environment. When she herself was an apprentice she watched her peers die all around her to predators, the elements, and mousebrained actions. During her years training as an apprentice, she had to make up for the lack of paws to help out. Crowpaw had to ensure she caught all prey she set her sights upon. Birds were the wild card due to their quick ability to fly away into the air. After her folley with catching a crow, she runs by the scene over and over again through her head. Eventually, she taught herself to jump high into the sky-- as high as that crow flew out of her reach. On her final hunting party as an apprentice, she came across a Downy woodpecker, and was determined to not let it escape this time. She got as close as she could before it would spot her. Then, she pounced, catching the black and white bird high in the sky it tried to escape to. As she landed, her party wondered if one of its feathers got stuck in her fur. Over the moons, the white left on her pelt began to spread, much to her displeasure.

Her experiance with death as an apprentice left a lasting impression on her, however. Though she does not blame herself for the misfortune of others, she does feel some semblance of anger toward death each time it happens. When she took her deputy oath, she vowed to make the clan strong enough to survive.


"Please take Snowpaw and the prey back to camp. I need to talk to Eaglepaw in private..."

―Crowflight to Sweetsong

Crowflight is part of the hunting party that seals Eaglepaw's fate. When she first spots him, her glare does not go unnoticed. Eventually, after safly returning to camp, she confronts Eaglepaw, demanding him to quit. When he refuses, she leaves him outside the camp entrance in silence. She is seen heading to Sootstar's den where, presumably, she pressures the leader to remove Eaglepaw as a warrior apprentice, and works with Tigerlily during the clan meeting to convince Sootstar to follow through with the course of action.

Detailed description

Crowflight is a strong she-cat, with well defined musculature underneath her shorter than average fur length. Her black fur is littered with white spotting, and over the moons, has grown to mimic that of a downy woodpecker's feathers. Her ice-cold, yellow glare can shirk any cat beneath its gaze. Her tail, once straight, now has a kink in the middle due to a run in with a fox.

When she was just Crowkit and Crowpaw, her fur was pure black. She's always had her icy glare, but her pelt was pristine; not a scar, kink, or white fur patch in sight.

Character pixels


Kit Version


Apprentice Version


Warrior Version


Deputy Version


Leader Version


CloudClan Residence Version


Wandering Shadow Version


Outsider Version

Personality and Relationships

Crowflight is considered a stong, dependable deputy by her clanmates. Though she acts cold, her harsh words are meant to guide younger cats into a direction in which they are more likely to survive. She loathes death, and is detirmined to prevent it to the best of her ability as a deputy. She is not particularly close with any cat, but she has come to respect and trust Tigerlily--a she-cat she considers to be strong, smart, and capable of keeping herself alive. She is also aware of Snowpaw's admiration, and tries her best to keep her focused on training and results.


Interesting facts

  • Crowflight is self-conscious of her white fur, and frequently ponders on how long she would've survived during the height of PeakClan's perilous early days.
  • She doesn't like eating crows, as she feels as though it goes against her name. However, she loves the taste of downy woodpecker.

Author statements

  • Crowflight is meant to seem like an antagonist.
  • She will be present in many forms throughout the entirety of the series.
  • Her pelt was based off a real life black cat with vitiligo, who I read about in the news many, many years before the comic released.


  • PeakClan's harsh days ended due to the introduction of two-legs, which is why she was the last generation to truly face harsh weather and frequent large predators, such as foxes.
  • Though her family is unknown, she is distantly related to Nightpelt and Sootstar.