
1 year, 7 months ago


MYO #9507

"Why was I brought back? Was I a guinea pig? Collateral damage?"

(Note that her limbs are uneven! The (presumably male origin?) replacement parts are larger than her original body. On her replaced leg, the thigh is shorter and knee higher up than on the other leg so that her legs will be overall the same length. The arm with more replaced is consequently longer than the other arm.)

TL;DR her knees aren't at the same height but her elbows are

  • ~5'6'
  • A patient of Io. Io tells her the patron requesting and paying her services is "confidential," but Io does not truly know their identity either.
  • imperfectly necromanced ‘2nd chance’
  • Died in freak accident when part of a bridge collapsed (was it really just an accident?)
  • low touch/taste/smell sensitivity (only strong pain, amped-up flavors, etc.). Has become an adrenaline junkie as a result... she's smart enough to know better but does dumb stuff for kicks.
  • can literally drop dead at will and revive (basically ejects 'ghost' to haunt the nearby area. body gets stiffer and colder while dead and ghost fades, so not too long or far away! ghost has only very limited interactivity with material world and generally can't be sensed or move things unless a lot of energy is used (dangerous, means fading). ghost looks like her original form, without replaced limbs or scarring.
    ↑ often uses this for jokes and pettiness
    'yeah i'm uhhhh having connectivity issues... yeah, i’ve tried turning it off and back on again'
    'nah, can't take the trash out, i'm dead' [drops dead]
  • requires serum to upkeep/regenerate body (eye drops typically, or IV), and can fix most minor damage (from eating matches or whatever other ill-advised action) by taking more
  • chronic RBF, but is pretty chill. oddly enough, great with kids.

"Cassandra? Nope. It's short for Casserole."
cassowary • Castle Crashers • castanets •  Casper the Friendly Ghost • cash money • cassette tape  • casting call • cassava root • casino • Casanova • [etc.]