


6 years, 4 months ago


What do you mean, how can I always be this cheerful?

 NAME - Mallowlight

 AGE - 25 Moons


 GENDER - Female

 CLAN - TempestClan

 RANK - Medicine Cat

 MENTOR - Morningshade

 APPRENTICE - content

 LOYALTY - ★★★★☆

 FAITH - ★★★★☆


BREED :Moggy (Ragdoll within her Bloodline)
BUILD :Slightly Overweight.
PELT :Long furred, with broken pointed Markings
EYES :Bright Blue
HEIGHT :Below Average
SCENT :Strongly of Flowers and Medicinal Herbs


DSAB :Female
PREFERENCES :Female Leaning

  1. Bigger than her
  2. Fluffy
  3. Listeners
  4. Funny
  1. Boring
  2. Meanies
  3. Doesn't listen to her
  4. Don't care for themselves


Cheerful . Intelligent . Outgoing 
Naive . Hopeless-Romantic . Idealist
Impressionable . Gossiper . Energetic

Mallowlight is a cheerful and energetic molly, others will express how she can be a bright light to the clan, she's almost always got a smile on her face and goes out of her way to make others smile. When cats enter the medicine den, she'll do anything to make them laugh and smile, knowing that a light heart will help her sick / injured clanmates more than moping around the medicine den.

Although Mallowlight is still young, she's impressionable and believes almost anything anyone will say. She's too trusting to others the world is yet to jade her. While she's intelligent, she does seem to struggle with knowledge outside of her duties.


  1. Cuddling
  2. Jokes
  3. Flowers
  4. Honey

  1. Bugs
  2. Eels
  3. Rain
  4. Mud


















Mallowlight's biggest strength is by far her optimism. She's bright and cheerful, and always has a smile on her face. She's a little bit of a prankster and loves to joke around. Although often her jokes fall flat and more often than not she laughs at them more than anyone else does. But that doesn't stop her from trying and doesn't change the smile on her face.
Mallowlight is good at seeking out the herbs and other medicinal items that she needs for the medicine den and to treat her clanmates. She's got a keen nose for finding exactly what she wants. Although not much of a hunter, she does call herself a hunter of herbs. As that is just about the only things that she goes out looking for.
While an intelligent cat at her duties as a medicine cat, in any other aspect on her life, she's a little bit more on the stupid side. She's not very wise with real life situations and is very gullible and will likely believe anything anyone told her. That is unless it's about herbs or treating her clanmates, then she'll certainly see where you're wrong.
Needless to say, Mallowlight isn't a fighter. She's soft through and through. She's weak and could easily be blow over by a slight breeze, could be defeated in battle by a new apprentice. Strength just isn't her.
Mallowkit was born to two TempestClan cats, along with her sister Daisykit. The two Sisters were everything, that their parents could ever want. Marigoldbloom, their mother, and Pinesight, their father, were a pair that had become mates after the both of them found themselves in the medicine den at the same time. Pinesight for a scratch on his cheek after a run in with an ex of his. Marigoldbloom in for a stomach ache. Although while they waited for the medicine cat, it seemed that the two got along well, and things only seemed to blossom further. Till they eventually became mates, and before long their kits were born.

Mallowkit was a cream and brown pointed kit, her point markings broken by some cream markings. Her sister, Daisykit, was a cream and Golden kit, with pointed markings much like her sister, and mother. From the day they could leave the nursery into the safe camp surrounded by their clan mates, the two were running around sticking their noses in just about anything they could. More than once they found themselves in the warrior's den, stealing moss and feathers.

Often the two kits, would find the comfort in other warriors that wanted to play, or apprentices. More often than not, when Pinesight had finished his patrols, he'd come over and play with them, telling them stories about his patrols, and teaching them things, Marigoldbloom always close by his side.

Although, by the age of 4 moons old, a change in Mallowkit's life, that she'd never be able to forget, a change that literally turned her world upside down.

While both her and Daisykit were playing in the camp, from nowhere a large bird of prey came down and swooped up Daisykit within it's talons. Mewling and screaming for someone to save her, Mallowkit could only watch in fear as her sister was carried away, then one after the other, her mother ran out of camp chasing Daisykit, then literally moments later, her father went after them. While the camp ensured Mallowkit that they'd all be back soon, she had a long wait.

The nest was cold that night.

And every night after. As she waited, it seemed that the clan had no choice but assume the worst. That all three cats had lost their lives. While at first Mallowkit didn't take things well, closing herself off from others. Half way through her 5th moon something changed, something within her decided, that her family wouldn't want her to be sad for them, they'd want her to become strong, and continue smiling every day. So she did.

Now 6 moons old, she's ready to become an apprentice, ready to receive her mentor. And while she still gets upset from time to time. She still does everything she can to go through each day, and approach new things with a smile. If not for her, then certainly for Daisykit.

Mallowpaw was taken under the wing of TempestClan's medicine cat, Morningshade, a red tortoiseshell molly. Morningshade was a kindhearted molly who knew what it meant to have love for her clanmates and how far that would get them through their times within the medicine den, knowing that what they needed during that time, yes treatment, but more than anything, a friend. She would go out of her way to teach this to Mallowpaw and Mallowpaw would accept any and all teachings from Morningshade.

Throughout Mallowpaw's training, she would take in the knowledge of herbs and treatment, the parts that she loved the most was getting to know her clanmates and making them smile even when they seemed like they were at their lowest points. But she also really enjoyed going out collecting herbs with Morningshade. Morningshade was able to teach Mallowpaw were all the herbs grew, what they looked like and what they smelt like, till eventually Mallowpaw was able to go out collecting them herself.

Moons later Mallowpaw was out collecting herbs from the MoorClan border, when she saw a familiar pelt across the moors. It couldn't be...Could it? Mallowpaw squinted for a while as she watched this other cat run along the moors. She was positive it was Daisykit...or what she could only assume was Daisypaw now. She was about to shout over to this other cat, but before she could, they ran back through the moors and disappeared.

During the gathering Mallowpaw sat with her mentor and the other clan's medicine cats. She watched as MoorClan entered the gathering place, and there was that familiar pelt again. Daisy. Mallowpaw excused herself from the group she was with to seek out the cat who could of been her sister. As she approached the MoorClanner, Mallow saw her with the other MoorClan apprentices, seeing how much she was enjoying her time with them, how she looked like one of them. Mallowpaw wouldn't lie that seeing the sight hurt a little. Hesitently Mallow called out her sister's name and sure enough Daisy looked over, the two sisters looked and watched eachother silent and unsure. But after a few moments of uncomfortable silence the two rejoiced and skipped around excitedly, the rest of that gathering the two exchanged in excited whispers about what they've been up to, Mallowpaw would find out that Daisypaw was training to be a guard. Towards the end of the gathering, Mallowpaw asked Daisypaw if she'd come back to TempestClan, Daisypaw expressed how she wouldn't how she felt like she belonged in MoorClan. Mallow was hurt by this, but she did her best to put on a smile, but the two promised that they'd meet back every gathering to catch up if they could.

Before long it was time for Mallowpaw to earn her full name, Morningshade felt that Mallowpaw was ready. And thus Mallowpaw was named Mallowlight. It was only a few moons after her full name was given to her, when a terrible storm fell over TempestClan, where TempestClan was being taken to the 2nd camp. Morningshade went back to the first camp to get some herbs. She never returned. She was claimed by the choppy sea and her body was never recovered.

At the most recent gathering Mallowlight and Daisy met up and here Mallowlight learnt that Daisy was now a full guard for MoorClan. She was named Daisythorn. Mallowlight was proud of her sister, but it still hurt that Daisy didn't want to return to TempestClan.

━ KIT :Mallowkit
━ APPRENTICE :Mallowpaw
━ WARRIOR :Mallowlight

━ Mallow :For her pale pelt like a Mallow.
━ Light :For her light hearted nature.

━ MENTOR :Morningshade

━ ORIGIN :TempestClan
━ BIRTHPLACE :TempestClan

━ MAIN SONG :Shelter - Porter Robinson

━ ALIGNMENT :Neutral Good
━ ASPIRATIONS :Have a family | Have an Apprentice | See Daisythorn Happy.
━ FEARS :Fire | Hawks | Dogs | Foxes

━ FATHER :Pinesight
━ MOTHER :Marigoldbloom
━ LITTER MATES:Daisythorn
━ MATE :ᅠText
━ OFFSPRING :ᅠtext

  • Mallowpaw is often always seen with a smile on her face. No matter the situation she remains positive, and always believes there's a silver lining.
  • She believes there's good in everyone and believes she can be the one to find it within them.
  • Believes that laughter and smiles are some of the best cures.
  • She can be quite a fussy eater at times.


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original code by jiko | edited by pixelboy | Relationships by Icecyclone