
1 year, 9 months ago



a semi-abandoned, steampunk coastal city ovverrun by cats. floating islands and airships lazily drift over the forgotten, run-down alleys,and the air stinks of fuel and decay.

Proud, inventive, and a bit vain, the cats of the roaring flame reside in a massive oak tree in a harbour, surrounded by airship ruins and collapsing buildings. They host annual competitons in which cats from all around the country come to build mechanical creations to a theme. The cats live on a diet of fish, small lizards, and food that people leave in offerings to the Sun deity. The humans that live in the harbour believe the cats of the Roaring Flame are messengers that can pass between both worlds to deliver information to their sacred deity, and let the cats live in peace.

The cats of the Roaring Flame were originally star-travellers that decided to settle down (lead by Cormorantcrash), but the cats born into Roaring Flame do not generally posess the skill to walk through dreams. Younger members of the group view star-travellers with superstition and fear, and can be a little mean to the travellers that often stay at the camp. Travelling is a huge part pf the cit's culture, and many of the feline population are nomadic.

Cats of the Roaring Flame believe in both the modern sun and moon deities, and the much older myths about seabirds. They tend to favour the seabird-worshipping side of the island's beliefs. Cats born into powerful positions are named after seabirds, and killing a seabird of any kind is considered the worst crime you could commit, higher than killing your own kin even.


a strong, determined leader, Cormorantcrash found Pyrite cove and ruled for many moons until his death.


Cormorant's loyal mate, Gullspike healed the group's wounds diligently, putting his duties before himself.


a strong warrior despite her physical difficulty, Delta settled into clan life easily and naturally after being taken in at a young age.


The clan's future leader, Goldwing's faith in the stars is unmatched. He's sure to be a strong commander despite his age.


A friendly jack-of-all-trades, Tinywish is especially skilled at swimming - bringing in the majority of the fish fresh-kill.

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The family tree of Cormorantcrash and Gullspike. Only their children are able to become leaders, a decision criticised by outsiders.

50 moons ago

  • The Beginning

    Cormorantcrash discovers Pyrite Cove and creates the Clan "Cats of the Roaring Flame". Rules and Traditions are decided on after observing the behaviour of nearby human cultists.

40 moons ago

  • First Death

    Frigatefry dies after greencough sweeps the Clan. Gullspike is greatly affected by the loss of his first, only kit, and several other cats die due to his neglection of healer duties whilst greiving.

25 moons ago

  • Ill Omen

    Gullspike and Cormorantcrash give birth to Vulturethroat and Goldwing, their last litter of kits. Gullspike believes Vulturethroat to be cursed, and refuses to go near her, and dies soon after birth. Cormorant refuses to choose another healer, and whilst Vulturethroat tries to learn the herbs by himself, Cormorant's fury at her doing so means he has to practice in secret.


  • Misunderstanding

    Greencough hits the camp once again. Vulturethroat gives Cormorant deathberries by accident and he dies; Vulture getting blamed for murder and exiled from the camp.