
1 year, 8 months ago


Name Blair

Age 1029

Birthday July 12

Blair is a mysterious girl with a plug for a tail that was found in a pod in some kinda high tech ruins, she doesn't emote very much and sleeps a lot. 

She doesn't remember much but knows that theres a place she needs to go and knows theres something important that she needs to do and hopefully will remember sooner then later. 

She has an uncanny ability that allows her to analyze a weapon just by holding it thus has the ability to master it and it's techniques almost instantly however she says that modern weapons don't carry the grace of what she's used to and prefers to use lighter weapons to fight if she must at all. 

Occasionally when enough energy is stored she is capable of unleashing a huge beam of energy from her body from almost any point but this should be used as a last resort this move is known as the Gauss buster.

When asked if she is a robot or android she adamantly states that she isn't, when pressed about her hight she explains that this was the normal hight of females in her era if not her being a little shorter.

Her favorite things are- Tea and Butterscotch cake, the moon and sleeping.

She hates- dead power outlets,  modern clothing and people assuming she's a robot

It is revealed that Blair is a princess from a long forgotten technologically advanced era, she was injected with nano-machines which explains all of weird analysis and adaptability she can preform as well as a plethora of other abilities. Her people had locked themselves away in a pocket dimension and Blair's mission was to wake up and free them so they can take back the world, however Blair having experienced the current world doesn't want to see these people oppressed and now has to make a decision to stand with or against her people.