Mia Brandt



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Mia Brandt

Age: 19

Birthday: May 16th

Nationality: German

Species: human

Blood Type: A+

Gender: female

Personality: shy, outgoing around friends, trusting, often goes with crowd, very determined to please others, has problems seeing wrong, book smart

Bio: born in Germany to Leon and Emilia. Oldest child. Strict parents, but was raised kind and smart. Did most of her schooling in Germany. Freshman year of college was also in a German university. Came to the US to finish up her schooling in college. Became fast friends with her roommate Melissa.

Allergies: nuts

Likes: books, friends, cool weather, sweaters, boots, learning

Dislikes: cold weather, stereotyping, her shyness

Disabilities: needs glasses

Occupation:  college student

Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing

Fears: being completely alone, upsetting others, pain

Strengths: helpful, excels in school,

Weaknesses: too trusting, low pain tolerance, is shy

Talents: skilled writer

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 110 lbs

Eye Color: blue

Hair Description:

- Color: brown

- Highlights: natural golden

- Length: shoulder length

- Style: layered straight


- Piercings: two in each ear

- Scent: coconut

Father: León Brandt

Mother: Emilia Brandt

Siblings: two younger brothers back home Lucas and Erik

Best Friends: Melissa

Friends: Carina

Love Interest: Alden Brenner (former), Tony

Home Town: Meissen

Residence: Birmingham Southern College Alabama

Organizations: choir