Ajey Viram



6 years, 11 days ago


Name: Ajey Viram

Also Known As: AC-07

Age: 17 (2 1/2 years as machine)

Species: machine (formerly human)

Personality: sweet, naive, loyal, obedient, emotional

Bio: was stolen from a hospital and raised in the lab. He was tested and experimented on for his whole life. He was put into a procedure and was the 7th subject in the 3rd generation group. He was the first and only to survive and be turned into a machine that has a human consciousness and mind. He was created as a human weapon. He lost most of his memories from before that surgery and was led to believe a lie of a life that he had an accident in the lab that resulted in major head trauma. They made him believe he is still a normal human. They are careful not to expose him to anything he can't do in cyborg form. They haven't told him anything and are just monitoring to see his performance and abilities  

Likes: socializing, being helpful, the training facility

Dislikes: being shooed away, "his head injury" blocking his memories

Abilities: enhanced eyesight to lock into and track targets, increased hearing, strength, speed and lack of physical fatigue, computer like processing

Lacking human abilities: cannot eat or drink, doesn't sleep (goes into a shut down mode to recharge), eyes glow when locked on target, spaces out completely when processing long problems, doesn't feel heat or cold, doesn't bleed or feel pain, cannot cry, water can mess with his wiring.

Hobbies: helping the scientists in the lab, training

Fears: his "nightmares"

Height: 5'7"

Eye Color: grey

Hair Description:

- Color: ginger 

- Length: chin length

- Style: fluffy


- Scars: behind ear, under eye, neck, wrists

- Tattoos: AC-07 (and his access code on left wrist)

Father: Unknown (Proffessor Viram as claimed father)

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: unknown

Friends: Kian

Love Interest: None

Enemies: none

Residence: offshoot of the laboratory