


1 year, 9 months ago




Online Persona of @hey_hikarii
  • neon_paw.png Hikaru
  • Hikaru Hayashi
  • Akita
  • Age 22
  • Gender Male
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Birthday March 24
  • Birthplace Ikebukuro
  • Sexuality Bisexual

After moving to America from Japan, Hikaruひかる passed Highschool as a B/C student, as well as picking up an addiction of smoking after having to deal with a breakup and the divorce of his parents, as well as how easily obtained cigerettes are as a minor. He was popular, however very little of his friends went to the same University as him, yet he had no trouble making new friends.

  • Extrovert Introvert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Jugdging Prospecting


You will be with me and I will be with you, And everything will be with everything because we are all made from the same things. And we will all go back to the same place, We will all one day physically be, In the exact same position again..Ready to start the universe again together. That's what I believe.

Hikaruひかる was born on March 24th, making him an Aries. His family name is Hayashi林 and he is a born Hell Hound, more specifically an Akita-Inu秋田犬 with partial demon blood, however the only gene carried with this is horns that curl around his ears, similar to a ram that only appear when an extreme emotion is felt (ex. Embarrasment, Anger, Surprise) He is Japanese and Mexican. His father living most of his life in Guadalajara before meeting Hikaru's mother in Cuba, there they hit it off and became friends, and over the year eventually commiting to a long distance relationship before his father moved in with her in Ikebukuro池袋 where Hikaru was born. At the age of 12, both parents got a divorce that ended on good terms, Hikaru choosing to live with his dad in America.

He already knew basic english before moving, however, after the move, he perfected his english as his Japanese eventually got lost in his memories since he had no use for the language, therefore forgetting most of the words and how to form a basic sentance.

Positive Traits

  • Offers help to anyone in need
  • Loves giving genuine advice
  • Very logical
  • Shows optimism with humor
  • Friendly domineer
  • Very open

Negative Traits

  • Quick to Judge
  • Holds grudges
  • Passive Agressive
  • Aims for insecurities during an argument
  • Addictive
  • One person orientated


  • Physical Affection
  • Dango and Meat!
  • Vintage paintings
  • JOJI! - Rap, Hyperpop, Jpop
  • Loud, crowded places (ex. Concerts, Parties)
  • Techcore


  • Math
  • Dairy products and Eggs
  • Expressing his emotions with words
  • Waking up early
  • Tapioca pearls
  • Obsessive people


Hikaru stands at about 187cm / 6'2 with a slim, yet muscular build. His hair is fluffy and long, his bangs frame his face with long strands, with shorter hair inbetween his eyes. In the back, it swoops upwards in short tufts that oppose his long, tied up hair in a ponytail He has tall, pointy ears with tufts at the tips. He has a tail which is large and fluffy, fading from a very dark magenta to a gray stained white.

His face is sharp and defined. His teeth are an ivory color with sharp and slightly longer canines on the top and bottom of his teeth. His eyes have a peircing, yellow glow with sharp pupils. Red eyeshadow is lightly applied around his eyes. He has circular framed glasses with long chains that fall around to the back of his neck similar to a necklace. A large dog collar proudly on his neck. He is almost always wearing black, sliky gloves that show his nails which are pointed and sharp like claws. He often wears an asthetic of clothing known as Techcore as well as suits and dress clothes.

  • Hair #900C30
  • Eye #EFA94B
  • Skin #EFD8BA
  • Color #B00548

Design Notes

  • Tufts at the top of his ears
  • Sharp claw like nails
  • Sharp, cat like pupils
  • Thin chains on his glases that go around his neck like a necklace
  • The back of his hair is short and forms upwards tufts


  • Only shows physical affection towards his partner, rarely towards close friends
  • His only peircings are on his chest (cough cough yknow..-)
  • He smells of Cigerettes and Pine
  • Hes almost always wearing a dog collar
  • When not wearing gloves, he usually has several rings on


During Highschool, Hikaru's clique was with the popular kids, hanging out among them, being involved in their drama, and making a name for himself around the school. He was very sociable with teachers and students, often talking to freshmen commonly and so casually they could be mistaken for best friends, however, when the freshman would engage in conversation with him, he would often not remember them, making the situation awkward and embarrasing for the students who dared to come up to him. He made the most out of school, and despite not getting good grades and barely passing, he was still giving and got mutual respect from the school.

He lost the majority of his friends when he had to go to University due to being split up as a group and just drifting apart as a whole. He had no trouble making new friends, but now he cared less about his popularity stance and worked on just surviving and getting a job. He loves going to college parties, getting drunk with a ton of strangers, and making new friends he'll probably forget ever meeting. He loved playing stupid games like spin the bottle, truth or dare, seven minutes in heaven, never have I ever, etc. He made the most of his youth and was happy that way.


Hikaru usually keeps to himself, never expressing emotion too much, making him not very affectionate towards anyone. However it is noticeable that he is the complete opposite when in a relationship. When dating someone, he still keeps to himself with emotions, however he does love hugs, holding hands and kissing his partner, as well as making it obvious they are a couple. He loves to show off and brag about his partner, talking about how amazing they are and how much he loves them.

He's not ashamed, nor embarrased about being openly in a relationship with another man and will defend himself and his partner if ever discriminated against, often picking fights off of comments. He wants to keep his partner happy and free to express himself, his emotions and thoughts around him, so he'll do whatever he can to provide him a safe space since his partner has already given him that same feeling of comfort.

Hello Freshman

Hey freshman! Im Hikaru, your obvious supirior, haha! Were freshman always so short? Im just playin', lets get something from the cafeteria, I'll give you all the information on your teachers! You have money on you right?

Chat: Introverted

You know..For a long time, I was a really introverted person and I really didn't do a whole lot with myself 'cause I was scared of change. I was scared of trying something and failing and having people not like it. And I lived my whole life up until pretty recently in fear that someone would disapprove of what I'm doing...But that is so fucking stupid—

Chat: Validation

I smoked a whole lot this one night and got high as fuck and I just fuckin' realized that its all complete bullshit! It's total bullshit! It's thinking about shit that you have no control over and obsessing over having as much control over that shit as possible is fucking pointless. I'll never get that type of control over it, so i'll never have happiness unless i can complete this and gain that validation.. Thats what my brain was like, y'know?

Chat: In the End

Live your life to the fullest...! Live your life so that every moment is appreciated, no matter how hard, no matter how abysmal, know that after this is done, when all the wars come to a stop, and everything is calm..You will be with me and I will be with you and everything will be with everything because we are all made from the same things and we will all go back to the same place..We will all one day physically be In the exact same position again, Ready to start the universe again..Together..That's what I believe so you don't have to fuckin' believe that at all! But fuckin', I don't know, I'm just fuckin' talkin' about shit at this point, haha.

Chat: Hope

I hope...- I hope you feel better if you felt bad..And if you didn't feel bad, I hope you still feel good! Alright, I'm done talking, sorry, heheh..

Chat: Music

Music? Yeah! I really like music, i listen to a ton of rap, indie pop and like... Jpop! i cant stand techno though...-

About: Mixzipii

I love Mix! She's definitly my best friend! We've been friends since I first moved to America and we'd always go to parties together... Hey! We should throw a party!

Good Morning

I hate Mornings... Waking up is just...Stupid... ... ... Gah! Did i fall asleep?

Good Night

I'm not tired enough to sleep... Let's go out for a walk, the weathers nice this time of year! When we get back im sure I'll be tired and pass out, haha!

Touching Ears/Tail

Hey! What are you doing? Get your gross hands off..I don't care if they're soft, its weird!

Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm so happy your..Well..Breathing! I'd be really awkward if you weren't! Haha... I'm sorry- Happy birthday!