


6 years, 4 months ago



Name Ponie (Éponine)

Nickname(s)Adellie, Red

Gender Female

Species / Breed Dog / Irish Setter

likes Flowers | Traveling | Exploring | Charlie

dislikesBeing restricted | Tea | Charlie


Both Adelredus and Charlie are together for such a long time, they basicly share some braincells. Charlie never leaves Adelredus' side, as yes, they are slow in movement. Do sticking to Adelredus is not only the option to stay warm in colder days, but akso convinient in moving around in the end. They love to travel and really explore some around. As they're basicly only bound to eachother and not (anymore) to a place or family. They're free to go wherever they please. 

Adelredus is a bit mysterious and likes to hide her true emotions to other people but Charlie. So she can come across as a little cold at times. Though she usually means well, and isn't really quick to anger. In all honesty she loves Charlie, but also dislikes having them around 24/7 as they're basicly stuck together after Charlies kingdom fell. Their additude can be a little.. much at times, as they still act as a royal, while they aren't anymore. Which requires Adelredus to have immence paitience with them at times!

Adelredus also likes to paint and draw. Charcoal being her all times favorite medium to use! She often leaves drawings in places she and Charlie stayed for the night for example! Off of them, the scenery, somehting that stood out or someone they both met! She tends to be a quick artist and is able to sketch donething up in just minutes!


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