Adelredus's Comments

😮‍💨 this design goes SO HARD 🫶

I’d love to out for em! I kinda wanna go the rout of making em into a deity. They’re giving Adam and Eve vibes (I’m in to mythology and religious history, but I’m not religious myself). So having a deity around either Adam or Eve (possibly even Lilith) would be a really rad addition to my gods story.

Very charismatic vibes going on, anti-hero but definitely not a villain! Possibly the deity of monsters/creatures so that way I can connect my world of beasts to my gods story!

Ooo i'd like to try for this cutie ;u; they're so cute and i love charlie's story haha! Thanks for the chance! <3

NAME - Adelredus (&Charlie)

NICKNAME(S) - Adellie, Red (your majesty)

GENDER - Female (&asexual)

SPECIES - Dog / Irish setter | (Snake / Ball python)

LIKES - Traveling | Exploring | Charlie

DISLIKES - Being restricted | Tea | Charlie


Both Adelredus and Charlie are together for such a long time, they basicly share some braincells. Charlie never leaves Adelredus' side, as yes, they are slow in movement. Do sticking to Adelredus is not only the option to stay warm in colder days, but akso convinient in moving around in the end. They love to travel and really explore some around. As they're basicly only bound to eachother and not (anymore) to a place or family. They're free to go wherever they please. 

Adelredus is a bit mysterious and likes to hide her true emotions to other people but Charlie. So she can come across as a little cold at times. Though she usually means well, and isn't really quick to anger. In all honesty she loves Charlie, but also dislikes having them around 24/7 as they're basicly stuck together after Charlies kingdom fell. Their additude can be a little.. much at times, as they still act as a royal, while they aren't anymore. Which requires Adelredus to have immence paitience with them at times!

Adelredus also likes to paint and draw. Charcoal being her all times favorite medium to use! She often leaves drawings in places she and Charlie stayed for the night (for example) of them, the scenery or someone they both met! She tends to be a quick artist and is anle yo sketch donething up in just minutes!

I would absolutely love to adopt this cutie!^^ I love how they look and would love to make her a main! <3 I don't have many characters so they would be very useful! Thanks for the chance! <3

I would love to adopt this cutie I love both the colors I would definitely make her one of my main sona would get as much art of her as I could by her self but also with some of my other mains make them besties I would also like to Wright them a great bio and one day put them in one of the stories I make I would name her Anastasia. Her age 23 she is funny corky silly but also shy and mean when she need to be she loves to travel and go on adventures with her friends but she also likes to go on picnics with her friends on hot summer days making flower crowns for all her friends just part of her bio I just thought up

I'd LOVE to add them to a Universe I'm creating! It's where two of the characters are based on planets and have animals as their pets/companions. This will be the main characeter's companion, helping them be able to handle day to day tasks, like our version of a service dog but with more of a voice, feelings, and partnership. It's not a romance thing, but a guardian/caretaker that also has a life of their own. They are going to be portrayed in the Sims while I work out their stories for screenshots and creative flow :)

I'll do a write to adopt when I wake up as it's almost 12am for me and I should be sleeping lol

May I adopt this cutie? They look adorable!

I think they'd be amazing for my Lost Kingdoms story!

Or they could be a part of my CandyLand story and be one of the entertainers!

I'll name them Red and they'd be a jokester but enjoy putting a smile on their friends faces!

They would most likely be the Queens advisor and best friend

May i have them, i'd like to add them to the story/world im working on, in which they would be a stray showing others the way to a safe house/safe place during the collapse of the place/city  or mabye an horror story of some sort mabye something similar to an infection AU of some sort