Troy Dranace



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info










Scorlics are a common sight on Ethyrsa. They, humans and Odrians are close competitors for the majority species on the planet. That being said, they're the most unusual. As a species, they're about 75% hermaphroditic. The rest of the population split evenly between being solely male and solely female. This comes with a lot of cultural weight behind bearing your own children, as almost 90% of the population can do so.

Troy, being one of the tiny minority of solely males in his species, has long been ostracized for it. Considered immature for not bearing a child, or worse, when it's discovered why. This drove him early on to attend one of Ethyrsa's colleges for studying the dynam like his mother did. And allowed him a quick escape from his small Scorlic town.

While away at the college, he still bonded very closely with one other Scorlic. Fensarti, the only one to accompany Troy to the college. Both of them quickly developed their skill with the dynam. Troy went on to also study 'combat' strategies. In which estimation is used to greatly reduce the amount of time it normally took to manipulate the dynam. Though Troy saw this as a powerful tool to use the dynam for emergencies and other situations besides combat, he'd end up utilizing it for its intended use. As his mother was accused of droughts and crop destruction from manipulating the weather.

His mother, Adelina turned herself in, in hopes it'd show good will on the part of dynamists, and that it'd shorten her sentence. But that short sentence became longer and longer before Troy could no longer bear it, and went after his mother. After long years of trying to track her down, Troy finds confusing and strange information on his mother and her name traveling from prison to prison. Finally, Troy believes he's narrowed down his search, and found companions like Nath. Who was also looking to break her sister, Klivia, and the other dynamists like Tion out, as the story begins.