Armaan Price



2 years, 19 days ago


Name: Armaan Price

Pronouns: they/he

Age: 49

Species: Salyssian (an elven species similar to humans)

Armaan Price is a wonderfully complex and tragic character. Originally a laid back, charismatic, and friendly individual, he now resides deep within the depths of his own mind, sitting in an empty void, hopelessly watching as a group of manipulative entities known as the Ones Above operate his mind and body to carry out their evil plans.

Armaan grew up in the big city with his mother, father, and two older siblings, Devak and Oishi. Armaan was very close to his older sister Oishi, though Devak, on the other hand, didn't always see eye to eye with them. Armaan and their parents weren't necessarily fighting each other, but never really found themselves on the same page. Their parents, while sort of babying him and unintentionally hovering over them a bit, had good intentions; they tried their hardest to keep Armaan safe and to teach him how to safely use his divine magic. However, Armaan, having a much more independent and rebellious view of life at that point, viewed them as overprotective and a setback to his success in his life. Ignoring their warnings of how using too much magic too often would attract the attention of the evil entities, the Ones Above (commonly referred to as just 'the Ones'), Armaan would leave home at the age of 19 and a few years later move across the country to attend college and live on their own.


Attending Magpie University for Magical Studies & Arts at the age of 22, Armaan would major in religious studies (being strongly interested in the commonly worshiped entities such as the Ones and the Authorities) and minor in architecture, a secret little interest of his. It was there that he met Luka Polize, and immediately the two would hit it off with each other. It wouldn't be long before the two started dating, connecting over their love for magic and their disdain for their lives at home before they'd left for college. After two years of taking college courses together, the two decided to drop out and continue their research on their own as they truly believed that as a team, they were smarter and faster than any of their authorities. However, despite their close connection and partnership, the two would also deal with their personal hardships as the relationship continued over the years. Armaan specifically dealt with the Ones leeching off of him and his magic, beginning their gradual process of taking control over their mind and body. This often caused Armaan to behave strangely and uncharacteristically whenever he was under their control, with these episodes of unnerving behavior becoming more frequent and lasting longer the more time passed. Armaan kept this vessel-in-process status a secret from Luka, believing that telling them would put them in danger or add more stress to their already messy life and mental state. This would heavily contribute to the slow and painful falling out of their relationship.

The two would eventually get engaged after 4 years of dating, unfortunately to only split up after another year passed, due to their worsening personal issues and psychological states. When they broke up, Luka would leave the home the two had moved into and never come back. Days after this incident, strangely enough, Magpie University would go up into flames, and later news would be revealed that Luka had been presumed dead in this arson attack. This was Armaan's breaking point. Overwhelmed with guilt and grief, Armaan would give up on fighting back against the Ones' control and on himself in general. Gradually, he defeatedly allowed them full control over his mind and body, his true self being locked away in a sort of void-like prison within the confines of his own mind.

Mimicking Armaan through his vessel, the Ones would proceed to completely take over their life. They started a sort of cult dedicated to themselves known as Divine Light, taking in people with their manipulation tactics and, similarly to Armaan, hollowing them out and turning them into vessels. Believing they deserved to live like royalty, they left the old home they once had lived in with Luka and moved themself into a previously abandoned castle structure, taking Armaan's daughter, Willa Mae Price, with them. Mae also is unaware of her father's status as a vessel, and truly believes that he himself is an evil person and in control of all of his wrongdoings. Meanwhile, as all of this occurs, Armaan hopelessly watches it happen and even occasionally attempts to fight back against their control from the void of their own mindscape.

Outside of Athazagoraphobia canon, Armaan is actually freed from the control of the Ones Above and is given back control over their mind and body! Since then, they have gradually started their healing process and have been going on missions with their family to rescue any other unfortunate souls that have been taken over by the Ones and their manipulation. In this canon, they are engaged to their fiancé Boston Lee (belonging to @TYTOBITEZ respectively) and lives with both him and Willa Mae, with Spiral Polize occasionally visiting too. They are also actively trying to cure Mae of her curse, though since the curse was placed on her by the Ones, they are currently unaware of how to do so.

Some random facts about Armaan:

-Armaan is canonically genderfluid and bisexual!

-They also have ADHD and PTSD.

-They have a massive magic crow-like pet phoenix named Jason Alexander that they are able to summon anywhere with magic. It is large and strong enough to ride around on (it can fit up to 3 people on it)!

-Armaan has a large tattoo on their back of a phoenix. They got it just weeks after leaving their household at 19.

-In general Armaan carries a lot of bird motifs, specifically crows. Often, especially when he uses divine magic, crows will flock to him and land both on him and around him. He has the ability to communicate with birds and order them to do things for him.

-Whenever using divine magic, Armaan's eyes project dark scleras and red pupils in the shape of the Divine Light symbol (a golden 4-pointed star).

-Armaan's hair and eyes become more red as they lose more control over their mind and body. When they are fully a hollowed vessel, their hair and eyes are also fully red.

-Armaan's divine magic gives him the ability to summon a multitude of large magic arms that move and function under his control. He doesn't really use these as weapons, however-- he mainly uses them just for convenience, like reaching high-up things and transportation and all of that fun stuff. Armaan is also capable of a repair spell (it heals people & also melds things together!) and if he concentrates hard enough he can also use a small bit of telekenesis on objects.

-Armaan doesn't like to talk about Mae's mother, it seems to be a touchy subject for the Price family.

-Whenever Armaan attempted to take back control while the Ones had taken them over, the vessel would actually outwardly show this in strange and subtle ways. Some examples of this would be the vessel's body twitching, getting chills, and having tears flow uncontrollably despite not really 'crying' or emoting much at all. 

-There are two reasons Armaan hasn't moved out of the old castle the Ones brought his family to-- Mae's curse still needs to be broken, and he's actually sort of fascinated with the place's layout and architecture (nerd).

-Armaan enjoys grunge aesthetics and culture. Music-wise they really love alternative rock and and post-punk.