Lime 🍋‍🟩's Comments

*Enters Lime's room and have his hair down and nuzzles Lime's cheek* Heeeeeyyyyy my brightly colored snookums~ Your huge honey badger is in the mood for cuddling~ *Kisses Lime's cheek* I loooovvveee yoooooouuu Superstar~ 

I feel that Dagger would let Lime mess with his hair when its done XD 

AAAH YESSS PIKA YOU'RE SO RIGHT HEHEHE I can see Lime AND Popcorn but especially Lime messing with Dagger's fluffy hair~ I think Lime secretly loves all fluffy hair but doesn't like to admit it hehehe >x3c

HEHEHEH YES!!! >XD Dagger wouldnt mind both of them messing or playing with his hair but he would especially mostly do it around Lime to tease him alot >XD Dagger would let his hair down alot when he is around Lime just to see how Lime would react. And if him and Lime are alone Dagger would be like with his hair down. "Cmoooooooon~ Popstar~ I know you wanna play with my hair~" 

I just imagined that sometimes when Dagger takes his hair tie off and let the rest of his hair down. Popcorn likes it but Lime just blushes like a tomato thinking Dagger loos more hot >XDc

I really wanna give this dude a boyfriend who is just as cool as him >XDc

OOOOh hehe that would be amazing Pika!! Originally I was planning on having his boyfriend be his friend Popcorn but I'd love if you made him a cool boyfriend!!! Or all three of them could be boyfriends!! >XDc

Yeah we can make three of them boyfriends!! Popcorn looks hecking cute and adorable!! I need to decide what animal to create to be their boyfriends!! >XD 

YASS I would love that so much!! AWH I'm so happy you like him Pika hehe!! I'm so excited to see what cool boyo you decide to make for them to all be boyfriends!! >x3c <33

Yeah I was thinking of maybe a skunk, a squirrel, raccoon or any other animal that I hardly draw or have never drawn. If you have any animal suggestions let me know. >XD I wanna make them have a cool, chill but also protective boyfriend for them!! >X3

OOOOOH those all sound so so cute!! I love the idea of a squirrel or skunk boyo hehe >:3 They already sound amazing!! I love the idea of this chill but still super cool and popular squirrel boi and his two boyfriends hehehe >XD

3 Replies

I love this bright colored cool hyena dude!! >X3c

HEHE thank you Pika!! I'm glad you like my lime hyena boi!! >xDc

Your Welcome! He looks like a cool hyena dude!! >XDc