Curtis Stonecypher



1 year, 9 months ago


You see a lot of small thin veins connecting along the wall...



Cowardly . Sassy . Flamboyant


You see many, many, more of these things.

The most annoying guy on the planet. California born Curtis Stonecypher (his legal-born last name) is obsessed with one thing, and it's getting views on any platform by any means necessary. He's had a few smaller dramas in the past, but nothing actually bad other than a white guy on the internet being a little bratty. He has a sizable following of 60k subs on youtube. His content is a mix of vlogs, drama. and commentary videos. He's dabbled in other genres in the past but hasn't found the success he currently has.

While trying to do a challenge spending the night in an abandoned mall, he got caught up in a alien apocolypse that's affecting the whole town..

Song - Artist

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GEAR: Pocket knife, Nunchucks

VEHICLE: Van with a wizard painted on the side of it.

MOVES: Oops!, Let's Get Out Of Here!, Panic Button, Don't Worry I'll check it out, The Sight, Premonitions

name | Curtis William Stonecypher

occupation | Youtuber

gender | "cis man"

pronouns | He/Him

age | 19

ethnicity | White American

birthplace | Los Angeles California

Orientation | "Straight"

height | 5'9"

Class | The Mundane

Curtis is a scaredy cat. He's incredibly cowardly, running away or cowering at every scary thing there is. He tries to act cool and confident to his viewers and to onlookers, but overall he's terrified of the unknown, and scared of what his life has become more and more. However, that doesn't mean he's shy in conversation with others, he's incredibly blunt and a bit of a jerk when it comes to people hurling insults at him. He will pick a fight with teenagers younger than him if they start it first..

Curtis, despite being a group to help stop the alien apocolypse, still looks out for himself first and foremost. That's worked out fine though, as more and more the monsters seem to be focusing on him. He's able to distract the creatures while the rest of the team takes them out, and that's totally the only reason he runs away in fear. Though as they've gotten farther and farther into the campaign, he's gotten more and more confident fighting back. Though it is still up in the air whether the "fight" or "flight" will activate first.

phobias and manias
Before the campaign, Curtis wouldn't say he had many phobias. Since his life started becoming so supernatural though, Curtis has found himself scared of just about everything. Funnily enough, despite being an influencer, the current events have made him terrified of his own technology and what could possible be watching on the other side of his screen.


Curtis grew up in sunny Los Angeles California with his father being the CEO of a tech firm. To say that Curtis had a privileged childhood would be an understatement. He spent most of his days not worrying about money or social woes and instead focused on having a fun loving childhood. He didn't have many friends, and the ones he did mostly stuck around because of his father's money. That didn't bother him all that much though, if people were paying attention to him that's all he needed. Curtis's father was always working hard and didn't have much time for Curtis, and his mother walked out on them when he was very very young. Why she left is still heavy on his mind even to this day.

When Curtis came of age, he already had a sizable youtube following, and decided to cultivate that for his career path. He moved out from his fathers to Arkansas (with his help his father's money of course) and lives in a small one bedroom apartment with his dog Sasuke, a pomsky. He's had a couple of failed relationships with girls who were going to the local colelge, all of which were documented on his youtube channel for clicks and revenue. He's never got into any drama, his main crime is that he's a bit annoying.


Curtis came across the supernatural happenings in the town while doing a challenge to stay in an abandoned mall for 24 hours. While he was camping out, he met 3 other people who were at that mall, all for different reasons. Scythe, a paranormal investigator, Yadriel, a wannabe ghost hunter (that recognized Curtis), and Oakley, a mysterious person with an even more mysterious set of skills. Together they all tracked down and cornered some sort of fucked up beast. Only to realize that there were more and more of them spreading through the town.

Curtis at first wanted to wipe the whole situation from his hands after the initial incident, but circumstances kept dragging him right back into the same group of people. Though he will never admit it, he considered all of them his friends. Especially as Curtis experienced more and more trauma over the course of the arc, he felt the safest by their sides.

This culminated at the end of the arc, where Curtis was possess for a second by one of these creatures. He saw the full scope of everything that they are, and how they're everywhere and just how they're so many. Curtis was never the same since that day. Now, he experiences premonitions and can see things that others can't. It haunts him constantly.


Currently being played

Scythe Rembrant


Curtis likes Scythe. He thinks he's very knowledgable on paranormal happenings and especially on dealing and finding out what to do with these creatures. Curtis think's he's a bit obtuse sometimes, and doesn't understand the whole picture though. Also Scythe keeps making remarks about Curtis and their friend Ezra that Curtis doesn't fully understand.

Yadriel Zacarías


Curtis would say that Yadriel "gets him" the most out of anyone in their little friend group. He's often the mediator and knows how to handle the others' emotions the best. Curtis can feel for Yadriel's home situation, even though it's not the same circumstances, and with Curtis being an only child. Yadriel also makes youtube content and has a lot of online friends, so Curtis is able to talk to him on that front as well.



Curtis has no clue what to make of Oakley. That's not to say that Curtis doesn't like them! but he's often so mysterious and strange that Curtis doesn't know how to talk with him. The fact that Oakley carries around an axe or a machete at almost all times alarms Curtis greatly!!! However, Curtis does feel the safest around him when they're out on a hunt for these creatures.

Ezra | A man who works at the Hop-Topi at the mall. At first he flirted pretty heavily with Curtis, but has stopped that now. They primarily hang out at either Ezra's or Curtis's place and watch moves or just talk. Curtis really likes his cat a lot.

Michael Stonecypher | Curtis's Father. He's a nice man, and Curtis loves him, but since he's moved they've grown a bit apart. Though Curtis does still call him sometimes, though he's slightly hesitant to talk about his personal life with his father.

Curtis is a youtuber influencer with over 66k subscribers on youtube, 20k on instagram, and 25k on twitter. He's gained most of his following by doing commentary like videos on tiktok and bad movies.

You see yourself being torn apart by fleshy hands.


scent | Lavender with clean soap

voice | Danny Gonzalez

zodiac | Gemini

tarot | Wheel of Fortune

alignment | True Neutral


enneagram | The Achiever

element | Air

  • Was based heavily on those commentary channels who primarily just make fun of bad movies and tiktok trends and such. He's also just based on influencer culture in general
  • His favorite color is green
  • Moved to Arkansas entirely for the low cost of living
  • Used to be a HUGE nerd as a kid before he got made fun of so much that he tried to just be popular.
  • Has seen naruto like 3 times now.
  • He's a closeted Gay and Nonbinary person. He's one of those people who is like "oh I'm so glad gay marriage is legal now, I'm not gay though, I'm just happy for them"
  • He's got a HUGE crush on Ezra, though he does not realize it's that yet.

code by Leporidactic / layout by Togo /
