
1 year, 9 months ago


Name - Duke

Species - Dolphinfolk

Age - 32


Occupation - Employee at AquaTech [Manager]

Birthday - ???

Personality - At first, Duke seems like a cool, charismatic guy that likes to joke around...but in reality, he's a nasty, smug, asshole that likes to pick on those he perceives as beneath him. loves to brag about his intellect, despite not really being as smart as he thinks he is. can also be pretty immature for his age, acting something like a toxic fratboy then a business man.



🐬 - His blowhole is on his forehead, hidden by his hair. it functions as a "nose" for Dolphinfolk.

🐬 - Is the one of the managers of the company, and thus has a higher position then the other employees alongside Noah. of course, he uses this to get away with being a jerk to said other workers behind Wallace's back.

🐬 - Biggest manwhore ever, feels no shame in always flirting with any woman he finds attractive and is always looking for a new partner when he gets dumped. Always shit talks his exes and makes himself out to be the victim.

🐬 - Is the kind of person to brag about having lots of sex but has never actually done it due to people being put off by his personality, is VERY insecure about that fact but hides it.

🐬 - When on break he likes to indulge in his favorite things in the privacy of his office, such as eating snacks he got for himself, playing games or look up dirty things on his phone.

🐬 - A bit of a nicknamer, will call others all kinds of things other then their own name.

🐬 -  Is genuinely pretty smart but his ignorance, overconfidence, and smug nature muddles that a bit.