Captain Bottlenose



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Captain Barnaby Bottlenose






January 30th


Pirate Captain



Despite his cute appearance, Bottlenose is a not exactly the nicest person to be around, in fact he's downright insufferable. A very dimwitted, perverted, greedy manchild that wants to make a name for himself and get all the ladies and money he wants, and what better way to do so then to become a swashbuckler like his dear ole grandpa?

While he puts up a "tough guy" demeanor to seem intimidating and loves to pick on others for his amusement like a bully, it doesn't take long to see that he's still just a goofball with poor impulse control.

Underneath all the boasting, He does have a kind his own way. He'll usually want to do something for another if he'll get something in return as "payment" or if it'll personally benefit him, but at least he'll try to help out a bit. He's also very playful, though he can be a bit demanding and overbearing with this need for fun.

Extra info stuff: 

🐬 - His full name is Barnaby Bottlenose The Second, named after his grandpa from his mom's side. only close friends [Otto and Snippy] and his parents can call him by his real name.

🐬 - He "owns" a medium sized ship called the S.S Bottlenose, it doubles as a sorta "houseboat" for him and his crew. He got/stole it from his grandpa.

🐬 - His laugh sounds vaguely like dolphin chatter, IDK the best way to portray it but yeah.

🐬 - It's hidden by his hat, but he does have a blowhole. He usually shoots water out of it but sometimes when he's "excited" he'll spray out some blood ala a nosebleed, it's very gross. Can also spray out other stuff like rum which is equally gross.

🐬 - Bit of a glutton, having three stomachs probably helps with that. He likes to try all kinds of food though he also hates sharing it in any way, his most favorite is saltwater taffy, fish [or any kind of meat], and rum despite hating hangovers.

🐬 - He's the only member of the trio that actively gets drunk, not really to the point of blacking out but pretty close. Otto is a light drinker, and Snippy finds the idea unpleasant sounding, so she's a teetotaler.

🐬 - Virgin and is one of those very annoying shallow ones unfortunately. He's actually very nervous [but eager] about when "the time comes" though it probably won't be happening anytime soon since his flaws and overall unpleasantness is a huge turn-off, along with his sexual frustration problem. Currently it's just unrealistic fantasies and dry humping his pillow.

🐬 - Related to the above, when he's sad or just had a really bad day, he likes to go to his cabin and escape to his fantasies where he's already a famed pirate with his crew and is dating a beautiful merdolphin named Bustyleena. They always play like a very bad fanfic.

🐬 - Hates the idea of being a dad, mostly since he dislikes any responsibility that isn't being a pirate captain and doesn't consider himself "father material" anyways. Has that "aggressively and proudly childfree" attitude.

🐬 - Despite his rough demeanor, he has an affinity for small, cute things and won't hold back his affection for them, to the point of cute aggression. He also loves plushies of all kinds, keeping some in his room to hug for comfort. He's also a bit of a cuddlebug, even if he wouldn't admit it.