
8 years, 7 months ago


Came with the name Bonsai but I'm changing it

Not all trees on the island are this sapient, but this one is. No one knows why, they've always been that way so it's not really a surprise to anyone at this point.
They're kind of a mystery. It's hard to say how many "heads" they have because the faces tend to appear in different places and quantities every time they come around. They all speak with the same voice and don't disagree on anything, so it seems to be one creature with one brain. Probably. They don't understand the question when asked. 

They are usually on the move, plodding along through the forest or across the beach. The islanders have used its tracks to make walking trails through the woods. As expected of a tree, they move at a much slower pace than everyone else. This has caused issues on multiple occasions when they were crossing a road and held up traffic for 20 minutes. 

They are very tolerant of everything and everyone around them. It's hard to bother a tree when it's so huge, so they're a favorite climbing tree for the local children. There's a saying on the island that goes, "Ask a tree before you climb it." It means to ask permission before inconveniencing someone, but this tree is the only one that will actually answer the question literally.