
2 years, 12 days ago


Echo !!
"I think about all the wasted time I've spent; I wanna be disobedient"

Quick Stats

name Echo
Age 24...?
Gender Female
Pronouns She / They / It
Species Demon
Orient. Asexual Lesbian 


Echo was one of the first demons to interact with humans. It started as pure curiosity, but the humans saw them as a type of gift, and asked her for wishes, the usual things, money, love, fame. Echo wasn't that powerful, but she could grant them those wishes at least, so it did, and the humans were so pleased that they started to treat it like a deity.

The thing went so far as to that the humans created a way to call her physically to make her grant them wishes. Echo didn't mind this at all, they actually was kind of pleased with the way the humans treated it like a very powerful being, but some humans wanted more than she could grant them; the humans were so angry with her not being able to do something that they captured Echo and cut her wings as a type of punishment.

After she managed to escape, she never answered any call for her, no matter how desperate. The humans broke its trust, so she swore to never do it again, well, until some stupid human and his slimy friend summoned her to search for the human's parents. How the hell could she be able to know where some pair of humans would be?!... But she had no option, since they summoned her, it wasn't able to leave their side until she fulfilled their request, what a pain... At least both of them were kind of stupid and actually not THAT bad to be around...


The most important thing to know about Echo is that she doesn't like humans. She doesn't trust them, and doesn't want anything to do with them if it can. Archer is just... A temporary exception, since they doesn't have an option really.

Echo has a playful personality, she loves to tease anyone she meets. It's very rebellious, even if they know that the other person is in the right, she still tries to do whatever she wants. They hate talking about feelings, since it's "something unnecessary" to her, of course, unless is talking about what she hates or how much she loves Owen.


  • She was actually created for a minecraft roleplay with my friends. :P
  • I thinks "Peace and Love on the Planet Earth" represents her relationship with her "companions" (Archer and Adelaida) very well.
  • It was a sheep pet called Owen who she loves a LOT.
  • Echo isn't actually used to travel without her wings, which results in her getting hurt thinking her wings would save them on multiple occasions.
  • They have a diary where she writes about everything in it's journey to find Archer's parents.

Design Notes

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