


6 years, 2 months ago


Name ???
Called Hugo
Age Ancient (Appears 28+)
D.O.B February 04
Gender Male

Race ???
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns he / him / them

Value $200
Designer robbeary
XP 5000/9999
HP 100/100
MP 100/100
Str 6/10
End 1/10
Def 3/10
Int 10/10
Chr 5/10
Wis 10/10
Dis 7/10
Per 9/10
Lck 4/10
Design Info

// 021019 update
Hugo's gallery may consist of a couple outfits and colour palettes.
His updated reference(s) should be the first images in the gallery!
Please use that when drawing him, thank you so much!

In this 2019 outfit, he has a skin fit top underneath a loose outer cover. They're layered and not 1 article of clothing :')

  • Height: 6'0"
  • Build: Lean
  • Eyes: Blue with black sclera (left) & yellow (right)
  • Skin tone: Porcelain
  • Hair colour: Dirty Grey
  • Hair style: Messy front, clean back

  • Virgo
  • making children happy
  • all things shiny
  • skin care... lol
  • unsymmetrical earrings

  • immortality
  • most humans
  • being touched
  • being treated like a cat
  • unexpected decision-making

★ Not for sale!


Andromeda | Golden Scissors | x1 | ??? dmg
Hugo's uses a pair of golden scissors named Andromeda to create and cut constellations. It's made out of threads collected from around the milky way and is almost unbreakable. Andromeda is never to be used as a weapon, only as his aid.
Globe of Cosmos | Portkey | x3 | 0 dmg
This collection of 3 globes is used by Hugo to teleport and keep on eye on the world he watches over. As the god of constellations, he prefers not to leave the sky, so he astroprojects through these items instead.

Pretiosum | Unpurchasable
An old and dilapidated photo of a man with long hair. There's another person in the back, but their face is scratched out. It's black and white, but stained sepia from wear and tear coupled with a couple of rips. Maybe someone he once knew in the past?

Glass Chess Board | ??? | etc
Maintaining the universe is difficult, everyone needs a break every once in awhile. Hugo's hobby is playing chess. The glass chess board is so clear that it reflects the surrounds, giving it it's starry appearance.
Cup of Stars | 53 mil
A porcelain white cup with gold trims that usually holds Hugo's drink of the century. The cup dates back to 800 BCE, existing approximately around the time that the alphabet was created. Despite it's age, it remains in perfect shape.

Constellcreation | God | 100 mp
About the skill and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
Skill | Class Type | Cost
About the skill and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Selenelion | Class Type | Cost
About the skill and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
Skill | Type | Cost
About the skills and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

About the item and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ god of constellations

shut-out ⋆ gloomy ⋆ anxious

After death, Hugo became the god of constellations.
His name changes every few centuries due to humans changing up his lore, so his current name isn't his real name. He creates constellations every time he experiences some type of emotion (e.g falling in love, death of friend, etc), but the constellation most dear to him is Virgo, a nickname he called his lover back when he was still human.

He's a billion years old and he shuts everyone out because he's exhausted to feel things again. For centuries he has been following the life of his lover, "Virgo", that has reincarnated as many times as he can blink. After 5 different reincarnations, he had stopped interfereing with their life and chose to be their guardian angel from afar, never having the courage to speak with them personally.

Currently Hugo is the founder and leader of the Armor of Aegis. The AoA is a group of people who have sought out to protect the galaxy. All parties are named after parts of an armor, together they are Hugo's guards. Currently seeking one last member for AoA.


  • His real name can be found on the Modern AU tab.
  • His coat is made of a special fiber that can sense change in the planets and astronomy
  • He has cat-like features because all the children he encounters thinks he looks more approachable with it and because he is not a human, he is able to summon ears and a tail whenever he likes.
Virgo ╎ soulmate
Virgo and Hugo were lovers when Hugo was still a human. Hugo has loved every single one of Virgo's reincarnations. Currently, they have yet to meet again, but Hugo watches over Virgo from the heavens... sort of like a guardian angel.
Wicke ╎ friend
Much to Hugo's dislike, Wicke is one of his best friends and the reason he hasn't completely become a ball of dark aura. Together, they keep the several universes and realities balanced. Wicke is almost like Hugo's annoying, younger brother.
Sybil ╎ subordinate
Helm of Aegis. Sybil and Hugo have been friends for eons that sometimes, due to their huge age gap, she treats him like her own son. She keeps him grounded and is his voice of reason in times where Hugo is emotionally unstable.
Qigik ╎ subordinate
Mail of Aegis. Qigik and Hugo have an indifferent relationship. She is very subservient towards him and does not object him. Hugo looks up to her in terms of ideals and mental strength despite her being one of the youngest in their circle.
Corvus ╎ subordinate
Vambraces of Aegis. Corvus has yet to meet Hugo in person since his initiation to the guild was under the reccomendation of Sybil. Corvus has only heard about Hugo from the human myths. Hugo doesn't even remember he exists sometimes.
Rakshasa ╎ subordinate
Greaves of Aegis. Rakshasa and Hugo have a rocky relationship. Rakshasa has defied Hugo's orders countless times, but Hugo has never removed Rakshasa from the guild because they share the same lust for the universe's homeostasis.
Osiris ╎ counsellor
Osiris is Hugo's right-hand man. Osiris is somewhat of a guide to Hugo and helps him make decisions for the guild if Hugo is ever in need of a second opinion. Hugo is the only person who recognizes Osiris as an individual instead of some kind of creature.