


1 year, 9 months ago



The stars would be so proud to know their atoms created somebody like you

Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Age 15
DoB January 23
Sign Aquarius
Orientation Straight
Height 5'4
Alignment Neutral good
Occupation N/A
Hometown N/A
you're a bug
crawls around
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype Mother figure
Leading trait Kindness
Biggest flaw Gullible

Design notes

  • Moon + flower head accessory
  • Moon + heart necklace
  • Metallic parts on arms, waist, ears and legs
  • Star freckles
  • Gradient inside hair #BA9EB2 -> #998898
  • She does technically have a full rabbit form, however it was on the reference sheet for the species and I was required to do something with it. Feel free to mess around with that if you would prefer to draw a bunny over her humanoid form, but please make sure to make it look recognizable to her! Thank you :)

Mani was an abused family pet, left to starve for days on end locked in a small, dark room. She was desperate to be free, to live out in the wild where she was taken from, but was too weak to escape. Despite everything, her will was strong. Finally, the day came when her life had almost run out, yet she didn't die. Her wish had come true. (species lore)

Her past inspired her to try to be the best she can for those she cares for, trying hard not to let them suffer like she once had. She's often labeled the mom of the group, the one making sure nobody's committing a crime, though with enough convincing she will help you commit the crime. She's very soft spoken and kind, probably one of the most patient characters, but if she needs to she'll send someone to the grave. Despite being calm most the time, she can be chaotic, as most young children are. She may be more mature than other people her age, but she's still a kid, and kids like doing kid stuff. She prides herself on her kindness and her ability to do what's best for everyone.

Being a star bunny, she loves extraterrestrial things, they bring a sense of home to her despite her originally being a regular house bunny. She loves baking, always trying new recipes for her and her friends. Her favorite is a good old mint ice cream recipe, she considers it a comfort food even if it isn't the healthiest. She also enjoys floral activities, taking floral design classes despite not going to school. She hates horror, they're too scary for her and she has to excuse herself during movie night if her friends decide on an even remotely scary movie. She's also very claustrophobic, which plays into why she loves space so much. It's a giant empty space, the very opposite of her phobia. She enjoys going to the mall with her friends, helping them pick out clothes that look the best on them. Stopping for ice cream on the way home is a must!

  • The moon and stars
  • Crystals
  • Plants
  • Mint ice cream
  • Closed places
  • Hot weather
  • Horror
  • Tight clothes
  • Baking
  • Talking to the moon
  • Making floral arrangements
  • Sewing
