Ganymede Pavo (Modern Fantasy)



6 years, 1 month ago


Ganymede Pavo

Called Gany
Age ~5000 (appears to be 25)
Gender Male (Cis)
Height 6'0"
Build Lithe
Race Human
Class Sorcerer
Alignment Chaotic Horny

Designer SetsuntaMew
HTML Theme Vom




Long, long ago, Gany lived on the island of Atlantis (BEFORE it sunk into the ocean, thank you very much) and was the crown prince. When he was around 20 he ditched home to travel for awhile and explored what would someday become Greece before finally going back to Atlantis. He tried to convince his parents that maybe they should be more open to learning from other cultures (since the Atlanteans were very xenophobic and unwilling to admit any other culture might know how to do something better than them) but the conversation instead turned into an argument that ended with him relinquishing his crown & getting exiled. Gany took it as a chance to continue his travels before ending up in the ancient city of Uruk in Sumeria. While visiting the smaller villages outside Uruk, he had the misfortune of ending up as a sacrifice to one of their minor evil gods. Gany very narrowly managed to charisma himself out of being killed by said god and survived to live another day, but the entire experience gave him a serious fear of death.

Gany then spent the next decade intent on finding a way to become immortal and avoid that whole horrible death thing. He’d nearly given up after going through countless dead end ideas before stumbling on a brief mention of a method that might actually work. So, he set out to find another immortal being and eat its still beating heart, despite how gross that sounded to him. And as luck would have it, he found a small town that was being plagued by a vengeful immortal beast. Gany offered to help them out & gained immortality for his troubles, though it’s an experience that he doesn’t like to dwell on.

He then got the hell out of that entire area and continued to travel the world, with what would become a very important stop off in China circa 500 BCE. Gany ended up as a court sorcerer for the current emperor and in doing so, spent a lot of time with the nobility. He had an on again/off again friendship with the youngest son of one of the advisers, Kwuisui. Thanks to an argument about Gany’s legitimacy as royalty, Gany teleported him off to his own private home to show off. Which instead ended up being the beginning of a relationship because boys make poor life choices when it comes to feelings. Gany was completely smitten with him & they had plans to eventually leave and travel together (with Kwuisui even beginning his own research on a method of immortality). Unfortunately, Kwuisui’s family’s deep involvement in politics wasn’t always well-liked by everyone and someone hired assassins to take out his oldest brother, who was in line to inherit their father’s position as close adviser to the emperor. Kwuisui had the misfortune of ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time & the assassins mistook him for his brother. Gany took this really badly (for obvious reasons) and practically fled China, heading off to travel in the Americas instead and swearing to never love anyone ever again because feelings are hard and emotions suck.

Gany eventually ended up in Constantinople in the early Middle Ages, since it was the place to be. Shortly after arriving, he saved a half-demon, Ornias, from being harassed by a group of paladins because 1) paladins are dicks and 2) wow that guy is really hot, let’s save him and then hit on him. Never let it be said that Gany makes the best decisions when there’s a cute boy involved. This actually ended up going really well for both of them, because Gany finally managed to befriend someone that wasn’t going to die on him any time soon & Ornias had someone who didn’t just see demon horns and go running in the other direction. They then spent the next 1500 years being stupidly in love and continuing to travel the world.

These days, Gany lives mainly in his main home (which is a sprawling mansion on a magically private island in the Mediterranean) but he keeps houses in various parts of the world as well.

"Look, wisdom just doesn't work with my aesthetic!"