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Runi, a sleek Greyhound with a striking tan and blue coat, possesses an air of elegance and mystery. Their piercing brown eyes reflect a contemplative nature, and a subtle septum piercing adds a touch of rebellious charm. Raised in a quiet countryside, Runi's backstory is one of solitude and introspection, finding solace in the vastness of the night sky. Stargazing became a nightly ritual, an escape from the demands of the world.

Three distinctive personality traits define Runi - a deep appreciation for the tranquility of stargazing, an aversion to social interactions, and an unwavering determination to keep their path unobstructed. Nights spent beneath the celestial canopy bring them a sense of peace, a momentary escape from the complexities of life. While their tan and blue coat shimmer in the moonlight, beige ram horns occasionally curl on their head, symbolizing a quiet strength and a connection to the untamed spirit of the wild.

Runi's goals center around preserving their independence and finding comfort in the simple pleasures of life. They strive to carve out a space where the cosmic symphony of stars and the warmth of blankets cocoon them from the chaos of the world. The Greyhound's aversion to social interactions stems from a desire for uninterrupted introspection, and they navigate life with a determination to keep unnecessary distractions at bay. As Runi moves through the quiet landscapes, the beige ram horns on their head serve as a silent testament to their unwavering commitment to a solitary yet harmonious existence.