Spade García



1 year, 9 months ago


WHAT?! I'm named after a fish, too? That's so lame!


  • pirates
  • swords
  • painting
  • climbing trees
  • her cool uncle


  • fishing
  • confined spaces
  • fire
  • chores
  • school


  • She is named after an Atlantic Spadefish.
  • Being part changeling, she can change forms- with varying levels of success.
  • Her blood is blue like her mother's.
  • Their design is based on an albino serval.
NAME Spade García
PRONOUNS she/they
AGE 7 yrs
SPECIES tabaxi-changeling
CLASS Echo Knight (adult)
GENDER cis female
PLAYLIST link (wip)

Spade is the daughter of Mako and Eeb García, two bards who settled down after they adventured for awhile together. Her father is a tabaxi, who she takes the most after physically, and her mother is a changeling.

She loves her family and lives a very happy, safe life, becoming an adventurer herself when she becomes an adult.



A very energetic and peppy young girl, Spade finds herself getting into trouble quite often. She puts excitement and adventure over much else, and is frequently injured.

She is rebellious and loud, making sure to give both of her parents headaches quite frequently, as well as drag her slightly older sister into her plans.


Spade grew up in a very happy and loving family. Her mother was Eeb, a changeling bard with no family who fell in love with her father, Mako García, a tabaxi bard and ex-pirate. Spade was their second child, Ray being their first and Spade's older sister by almost two years.

The family lived in a small house in the woods that is near a river and lake. While town is a bit distance away, the two girls were still enrolled in school. Their father loved fishing and often took Ray and Spade on fishing trips, which Spade found super boring. The home was very stable and their life was uneventful in the best kind of way- a good change of pace for two ex-adventurers. Not so much for Spade, who desired excitement.


While Spade was growing up she always wanted to be a pirate. But since the idea of that seemed to give her poor father a heart attack simply at the notion, she settled for being a normal adventurer instead. Spade always loved the idea of swordifighting, and Mako taught her some skills that she then tried to hone.

Once she turned 18 she set off on her own to try and seek adventure like her parents had before her. She still writes her fanmily home quite often, and finds herself getting homesick frequently. But she loves adventuring, and would continue to do so.

Spade loves her father, but she thinks he's a bit lame. Knowing how he and her uncle Hamlet used to be pirates, she thinks that he used to be cool and exciting, but now he seems scared of the idea and says that pirates aren't cool- but she knows better! All he wants to do is fish most of the time... which she finds exceedingly boring.

Spade doesn't know alot of details about her mother's life or her side of the family, but she knows shes a cool mom! And thats all she needs to know! Her mother is a changeling, and thats how she got her own shifting abilities- though, hers are not as advanced.

Ray is Spade's older sister, but the only thing that makes that obvious is how much taller she is than Spade. Spade is more confident and energetic, and is certainly the more socially dominant of the two and drags her into much of her silly schemes and plans.