Ray García



1 year, 9 months ago


I-I-- I saw Papa kissing Shadow !


  • fishing
  • sewing
  • people watching
  • playing outside
  • her dad !!!


  • loud noises
  • snakes
  • reading
  • being alone
  • danger


  • She is named after a stingray.
  • She is part changeling, but she has no changeling abilities and is functionally just a tabaxi.
  • She is the closest to her father and adores everything he does. She looks up to him and looks to him for comfort most frequently.
  • She is doing so bad in school. So, so bad.
NAME Ray García
PRONOUNS she/her
AGE 9 yrs
SPECIES tabaxi-changeling
CLASS commoner (adult)
GENDER cis female

Ray is the first-born daughter of Eeb and Mako García. Her parents adore her and love her very much, and she lives a very happy and safe life with them and her younger sister, Spade.

She is a very clingy and quiet child, mostly relying on her parents for as long as possible. Her most distinctive trait is her large eyes, but don't be fooled, there are no throughts behind them.



Ray would be considered the perfect child if not for her stupidity. She is generally well-behaved and quiet, though sometimes coming off as unnerving since she can often be seen staring at people with her big, expressive eyes. The girl is also very easily scared, often running to her parents when frightened.

She is exceedingly gullible, and is often dragged into things by Spade. She leans on the very girl side, and loves to wear cute adorable dresses all the time, hardly ever being seen in pants- except for sometimes when the family is out fishing, of course.


Ray only really exists because her parents didn't even know it was possible for the two of them to reproduce, being a tabaxi and a changeling. Despite this they absolutely adored her and she was a perfect baby: quiet, easily soothed, and learned the basics of feeding herself and talking quickly. In all honesty it wasnt fair, since her younger sister was quite the rude awakening in comparison... Ray was two when Spade was born, and she was excited at the propsect of a younger sibling, and the two got along very well.

The family lived in a small house in the woods that is near a river and lake, and not too far from the ocean. While town is a bit distance away, the two girls were still enrolled in school. She was often taken on fishing trips by her father, which she loved every second of. She spent much of her time with Mako, very clearly a daddy's girl through and through. Though she is well-behaved, Spade often drags her into different games and pranks, and she is all too happy to follow along... up until it gets her in trouble, of course!


Ray is very clingy towards her parents, and does not go into adventuring like her sister does. She stayed at home as long as she could, which Mako and Eeb were happy with. When she eventually decided to move out, she went to live in the town nerest to her childhood home and where she went to school. She continues the García tradition of being a fisherman, but sews in her spare time.

She visits her parents so often she might as well still be living there, and writes to Spade all the time. She loves every member of her family and just wants everyone to stay close... she often worries over her younger sibling, missing her and feels quite lonely without her around.

Ray absolutely adores her father! She thinks of him as being so brave and someone she can look up to and lean on whenever she needs to. She thinks he's so smart and so funny, wanting to be just like him. It's the kind of thing where if she had a project in school where she had to write about her hero, her father would be her definite choice.

Ray loves her mom, and relates more emotionally with her than the others in their family. Sometimes Ray thinks of herself as a bit weird and out of place, but her mother always knows how to talk her out of such thoughts and comfort her. She knows she can rely on her mother for anything.

Spade is Ray's younger sister by two years. Not having many friends in school, the two are very close during their whole childhood. Spade is much more bold and outgoing than Ray, and sometimes acts like the older sibling in comparison. Ray is unbothered by most of Spade's antics- except when she tries to scare her on purpose of course... or tries to cut the fishing trips short because she's bored.... okay, maybe a few things bother her. But she wouldn't trade Spade for the world!