


1 year, 9 months ago



Name Plover
Species Cat
Gender Male
pronouns He/Him
Orientation Demisexual
Build Tall and Lanky
personality Cocky and Bold
Theme Song link

Plover is very egotistical and cocky,and will show off or flex at every chance possible. Most will find him unlikeable because of his attitude, thinking he only thinks of himself. But actually, deep down Plover is very insecure about himself, he lacks communication skills, causing him to lash out at others. In his attempts to make friends, he picks and makes fun of others to get their attention.


  • Attention
  • Friends
  • Quality time with others
  • Warm sunny days


  • Feeling loney
  • Hurting others
  • His insecurities
  • Swimming


Plover spent most of his childhood alone, he doesn't remember anything about his family and has always felt really lonely. As he aimlessly wonder around, he stumbled into a little community of cats. Too shy to actually introduce himself, he just watched from a distance, but soon he felt jealous, he wanted attention and friends too. But because of his lack of communication skills, cats often avoided him, not even bothering to look his way. Frustrated, he decided to leave, after he left, he felt lonelier than ever before, it's like their laughter and joyful banter haunted his every step.

One day, a clumsy sea slug cat hybrid accidently crashed into him, without thinking, Plover snapped at him, telling him to watch where he's going. The sea slug looked at him dead in the eye and retorted back calling him rude before leaving. Plover watched him leave in shock, that's was the first time anyone took the time to actually look at him, suddenly his loneliness went away as he followed the sea slug. Plover learned that his name is Squoop and since then, he has never stopped bothering him. He loved the attention Squoop was giving him, he finally has a friend! The days continued with Plover getting happier and happier, he found out Squoop gave him the most attention when he pretended to be perfect, making him come off as egotistical. But he didn't mind, as long as Squoop was there for him, he didn't care less about what others think.

Plover was devastated when Squoop disappeared, he searched everywhere but he was gone, the only possible place Squoop could've went is the ocean. And so he waited every single day at the beach for his return, he thought about everything he has done through out his life and regretted everything. Just as he was about to give up, a familiar sea slug emerged from the water. It was Squoop! Plover has never been happier in his life than in that moment, he tackled the sea slug, apologizing about everything he could've done wrong.

After that the duo became quite close, Plover perhaps even developed feelings for the sea slug, but never confessed as he was scared that Squoop would reject him. They became even closer when they found an abandoned kitten named Spark, after just a few days they became inseparable, and treated eachother like family. But of course things never stay pretty for long.

As the days went on, Squoop started hanging out with them less and less. Plover started becoming self conscious, worried that he did something wrong. He and Spark searched around looking for him, it didn't take long to find Squoop hanging out with another sea slug. Plover dashed in immediately, pushing the other sea slug away from Squoop, before Squoop could even react, the other sea slug ran away in fear.

Plover watched the sea slug slither into the shadows in satisfaction, and flinched when Squoop pushed past him to go after them. Plover called his name in desperation, not wanting him to slip away again immediately just after finding him. Squoop paused, looking at Plover with a gaze that sent shivers down his spine. They shouted and yelled at each other, their first real fight, Plover refused to back down, he can't, not after everything they've been through together.

As the fight went on, Squoop became very irritated, attempted multiple times to push past Plover that ended up failing. Finally, Squoop stopped pushing and took a step back, relief washed over Plover like an ocean wave, but Squoop did something that never in a million years Plover would've guessed. Squoop raised a paw with claws unsheathed, aiming at his face. Plover froze, and before he knew it Squoop pushed past him and disappeared.

Plover felt numb after that, he barely moved, Spark stood by tried to comfort him, but Plover felt his concern was just out of pity. "Why would he hang out with me anyway? They stuck around for Squoop right? Everyone wants to hang out with Squoop, not me." Days became repetitive, and the hollow feeling of loneliness he felt only got worse. He snapped at Spark one day, calling him fake for sticking around, he didn't want their pity. Hurt flashed through Spark's eyes as tears dripped down his face, regret hit Plover as he watched his only companion run away.

Plover was a loss cause after the incident with Spark, he started picking on other cats again for attention, negative attention is still attention after all. He would go back to the beach from time to time to talk to Squoop, but he was always with that other sea slug, which he learned that their name was Leafsheep. After awhile Plover did somehow muster up the courage to reconcile with Spark, he was surprised about how much they've missed him. As of right now he's happy laying low and hanging out with Spark, he'd still try to talk to Squoop but it always fails.



Squoop [ Friend ]

Even after everything that's happened, Plover still considers Squoop as a friend. He constantly wished things didn't turn out the way it turned out, he knows Squoop doesn't want anything to do with him, but that won't stop him from trying.


Spark [ Little Brother Figure ]

Plover treats Spark like a little brother, and honestly doesn't know what he'll do without them. Even though he has a really crappy way of showing it, Plover really does appreciate Spark for everything he's done for him.


Leafsheep [ Enemy ]

Even though Plover knows that he is in the wrong, and Leafsheep didn't intentionally take Squoop away from him, he can't help but feel jealous of them. What do they have that he doesn't? Guess he will never find out.

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