


1 year, 8 months ago


Sonic Sona


Name Ivan
Age 20
Gender Male
Pronouns He / They
Species Mobian Hedgehog
Role Hero
Alignment Neutral
Theme Song link


  • Fascinated by Dr. Robotnik & his creations
  • Learning about others
  • Drawing


  • Running
  • Most textures through his hands
  • Drawing attention to himself

Ivan's fascination with Dr Robotnik and his work worries his team a lot, especially when it comes to his loyalties.
People thought that he hid his hands due to his ring markings, until he had a serious sensory overload when they took them off him, not maliciously though. He does get a little shifty about where he came from, it's not something he's shared with any of them.


Ivan gets incredibly anxious, he never quite feels like he deserves to be a part of the team, even when the others reassure him that they do. The fact that they're not very good at fighting and tends to stay back and provide any background support to them. Despite everything, they would not betray their team when it comes to Dr Robotnik, no matter what he's offered, he wouldn't give any of them up. He is slightly anxious that the others don't quite trust him as much as he is loyal.

Physical traits

Ivan's quills are incredibly soft and he sometimes slicks them down his back to get them out of the way; he's not 100% sure if he is a pure mobian hedgehog, he's pretty sure that the others can't do this. His eyelids are blue markings, and he finds it funny that they're not visible when they're open. His earrings are made out of rings and were a gift from Amy.

The Past

Ivan doesn't have the clearest memory of his past and who he was before, he knows something happened that has caused these patches of foggy detail but they are also lost to the fog. They distinctly remember their mother though, she was who pushed them to help how and where they can, and who helped him through his sensory issues when they first started getting bad. One thing he does remember, and what he does not want to share with the others [for many personal reasons] is that not only did he come from the future but also an alternate reality, though this reality did not differ much from the one they are currently in. They cannot remember how much further in the future they were technically born.


  • Ivan's earrings are made out of rings, and glow when anyone uses a power too close to him.
  • Likes to dress up fancy, they do this to celebrate even the tiniest success, or if they just really want to.
  • Tiny tiny little fangs, there is actually a small percentage of cat in his DNA, this has also affected his quills.
  • He's rather self-concious about being the eldest in the group by quite a chunk, though the others tell him that this doesn't really matter to them.
  • They were thrown into an alternate universe once, they met Nik & that universe's Doctor Robotnik there, they really enjoyed this time but didn't share it with anyone in their universe because they knew how it would look to them.



Nik [ Friend ]

Ivan met Nik when he was thrown into their universe, and the two bonded quite quickly together. Bonding over both their shared older ages, but as well as their fascination with what Doctor Robotnik does. He misses and thinks about Nik sometimes, wondering what he's up to in his own universe.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.