Giana Jones



6 years, 2 months ago


Name Giana Jones
Age 15 (June 21)
Height 5'0"
Ability Fungokinisis
Species Human
Gender Female (she/her)
Orient. Heterosexual
Taken? Single
Creator GhoulRadio
Worth N/A

  • Giana is short and covered in small bruises and scars from camp activities and drawbacks of her abilities. She uses bandages to cover most of her injuries and is always getting new ones due to being fairly fragile (though she heals quick)
  • Small mushrooms are scattered about her body (most commonly on her shoulders, face, arms, hands and legs)
  • Her hair is brown with a red streak in her bangs, it mid length just past her shoulders. There always seems to be a loose strand of hair that curls up.
  • Her eyes are green and her pupils white 
  • Default outfit is brown shorts and a baggy camp shirt tucked into the shorts. She wears black fingerless gloves to help contrast her abilities from spreading

Giana is a shy and anxious girl who is doing her best. She's fairly clumsy and introverted, but has been trying to get a bit more involved. She can't stand big crowds and gets drained feeling around too many people. Most of her time is spent with her friend Skipper (Kip) or reading in her cabin or the forest.
Though she often is away from others, she does try to be polite to those she does talk to; however, if she feels uncomfortable in anyway she will express that.
She is sensitive and forgets things often.


Giana was raised by her grandparents after her birth parents no longer wanted her. She grew very close to her grandmother and loved being around her, they gardened together and Giana got a fascination for plants and nature. She attended an all girls school where she got top grades and succeeded well, especially in math and science.
After schools she would attend guitar lessons and live a normal life. 

Her powers began to make an appearance around the age of 12 when mushrooms began to grow from her skin. Due to little control over her abilities, the mushrooms would grow often, especially in stressful or emotional situations (most commonly growing on her hands, feet, chest, and behind the ears). Unable to control the mushrooms and too scared to try and be seen with them, she often found herself cutting or ripping them off. Giana began wearing more and more layers to school in attempt to hide the scars and any that would grow; this worked for awhile but only made her more self conscious. 

Over the course of a few months/year, things only got worse, the fungus began to spread onto things she held (such as pencils, paper, etc), this became more of a distraction and her grades began dropping. The fungus prevented her from being able to play the guitar without ruining it, so she had to drop it. She fell into a depression and even stopped showing up  as often to school once she was 13.

For awhile she seemed hopeless and her grandma was at a loss of how to help, she wasn't used to people with abilities yet and wasn't sure how to help her cope with such a thing. It wasn't until her grandma did some hard digging and was able to find out about Camp Wanabara, a camp that accepted kids with abilities with open arms and offered to not only teach them about their abilities but also basic school things they'd miss being there. Though anxious and insecure about the idea, Giana agreed to try it out after some convincing from her grandma. She has now been at camp for a little over a year and is starting to gain back some confidence and skills in her powers. 


  • Ability makes her able to manipulate, produce/grow mushrooms/fungi of any sorts 
  • She is in the thunderbirds cabin (yellow shirt pocket)
  • Generally heals fast but scars easy 
  • Stays in contact with her grandmother through mail
  • She doesn't get acne but does sometimes get mushrooms sprouting from her face

  • Rainy weather (especially in evenings in fall or spring)
  • Hot beverages (such as tea and hot chocolate)
  • Reading (favourite types of books are romance books and books about space or animals)
  • Space (both having space and also the stars/planets)
  • Baggy clothes
  • Nature (likes to be close to nature as it gives her comfort)

  • Snow/winter (gets very cold easy and her blood circulation isn't good)
  • Mushrooms (despite her feeling comfort in nature, her mushrooms make her feel anxious and though she is trying to come to good terms with them, they remind her of downfalls in her life so far)
  • Ghosts (believes in the supernatural and has a fear of 'haunted' things/places)

Name relationship

To be added

Name relationship

To be added

Name relationship

To be added