


1 year, 8 months ago


Prev. Name
Dark Forest (formerly CedarClan, PineClan)
none (formerly Leader)
Dear God - Confetti

        Pinestar is the founder of PineClan. She's infamous for being the first to be sent to the Dark Forest. Even others in the Dark Forest balk at the sight of her.


        Pinestar is an expert tactician. She's cruel and enjoys having influence over others, but also has a deep self-loathing. She wants to stop causing harm, but doesn't know how. She's too passionate for her own good, desiring to be important and leave a mark upon the world.

        When she was alive, she was charismatic and overdramatic. She was addicted to the feeling of importance and treated the lives of others flippantly. Ever since she was young, she always wondered how and why the world was made. How did StarClan come to be? Was there a purpose to her life?


        Pinestar was once deputy of CedarClan, renowned for her wisdom and inspirational speeches. One day, she decided to leave and found her own clan. She claimed to desire freedom, but actually wanted to be known as clan founder. She cared little for the associated responsibilities. She wrote a new warrior code to allow cats to have outsider relationships, medicine cats to have kits, and more. Whenever decisions were made, the whole clan would vote democratically.

        Despite seemingly innocent intentions, PineClan acquired a warmongering reputation. During Gatherings, Pinestar butted heads with other leaders, which led to war. She reveled in the way her name was spoken of far and wide, turning a blind eye to the bloodshed in her wake.

        She only came to regret her actions when she destroyed WildClan. It was known for corrupt leadership, but she didn't care--she'd only wanted to make an example of it. PineClan's victory was crushing and absolute. She realized the power she wielded. Fearful, she began to sabotage her own reputation, which was trivially easy. She was overthrown and executed, and PineClan reverted to the original warrior code.

        Though Pinestar had orchestrated her own death, she realized she'd join StarClan and interact with her victims. Instead of facing that, she fled. Eventually, she reached the Place of No Stars, where she remained to punish herself. When StarClan tracked her down, she claimed she was making a new afterlife named the "Dark Forest". StarClan accepted this and began sending evildoers there.