Sol Pérez



6 years, 3 months ago


Sol Pérez

【 Name 】 Sol Pérez
【 Called 】 Sol, Ma, Ms Pérez
【 Age 】 34
【 D.o.B. 】 Nov 23
【 Gender】 Female
【 Sexuality 】 Bisexual
【 Race 】 Hispanic
【 Origin 】 Mexico
【 Role 】 Brandon's Mom
【 Alignment 】 true neutral
【 Likes 】her children, drinking, sleep
【 Dislikes 】 drinking, forgetting things, her jobs
【 Theme 】 link a song
【 HTML 】 Wicked



The mother of Brandon and Daniela. She is a single mother working from one part time job to the other. She was never able to get a college degree due to the birth of her first child. Since then she has given up on looking for a higher education and instead puts all her effort into providing for her two children that she loves dearly. She is usually out due to her multiple jobs, only leaving notes and snacks for her kids. When she is home, however, she can be found sipping some coffee while resting on the couch watching TV.

She grew up in a rowdy household of 8 children. She was the second youngest of the family, often being compared to her older siblings. As she grew older she became more rebellious and preferred to keep away from her own home and family. She did not get along with her mother, often having loud fights when they were left in the same room together. She would often sleep over at a friends house just to avoid being near here mother and siblings. When she met Miguel she integrated herself into the tiny family he had. She began to show up at his house and hang out with his grandma on a daily basis, seeing them as actual family. 


Miguel Guerrero

[ Ex Husband ]

Sol and Miguel were young lovers that met in high school. With both having dysfunctional families, they quickly got along and saw comfort in each other. Regardless of their young age they began to plan a future together, promising each other a happy life together. Sol ran away from home and married Miguel after discovering she was pregnant with her first baby, Brandon. The start, even though rough, seemed promising for the two. Miguel managed to get a well paying office job while Sol remained at home to care for the baby. Unfortunately the bliss was not able to stay for long. After Miguel learned about the death of his grandma, he turned to alcoholism. No matter how much Sol tried to help him he was not the same man anymore, becoming an neglectful and abusive father to Brandon. Everything began to fall apart. The two split off after discovering that Sol had cheated on him and was pregnant with the child of another man. Since then they have not kept in contact. 

Brandon Guerrero

[ Son ]

Sol's first child and her pride and joy. She likes to tease Brandon on a daily basis but still makes sure that he knows that she loves him dearly. She only wishes the best for him and encourages him to focus on school and accomplish what she was not able to do. Due to this she does not allow him to work regardless of the fact that if he were to help out she could probably have more free time and more money for the family. She is set on him having a bright future and avoid the mistakes she did at his age. For the most part she tries keeping her problems to herself (especially money problems) but every now and then she'll confide in him to tell him certain things that might be bothering her. When she looks at Brandon she is often reminded of her ex husband which gives her a bittersweet feeling which she tries hiding but is sometimes unable to. She very strongly hopes that she does not end up like the man she once fell in love with.


[ Daughter ]

Sol's second child and that got more of her mother's personality. The two share many similarities, especially with how talkative they are. She knows that if she ever has a funny story to tell, Daniela will be the first on board to listen. Their relationship is not as close as her and Brandon's but she tries her best to not exclude her either. When she has free time and is not too tired the two have little girl sessions in which they talk, watch romcoms, and do each others hair and nails(There has been a few times in which Brandon joins them too when he's not out). They enjoy their time together and always have a good laugh. Unfortunately Sol keeps many secrets from her daughter, especially about her past with her ex husband. Because of this Daniela is unaware of many issues and Sol fears that one day the truth may come out and heavily affect the way the two get along. In the meantime she wants to enjoy the time she has with her and figure out if there is a way to deliver some unfortunate news to her.
