👁 Daemon 🎲



1 year, 8 months ago


Died to a Vael while trying to get a pair of children out from the mist, and eventually got reincarnated as whatever tf he is now. He now not only tries to protect other village inhabitants from the same fate, but acts as a sort of balancing force in the world overall, and his most intrensic ability is to manipulate a person's luck.

He lives a fairly wealthy lifestyle, if you couldnt tell by all the gold lmfao. Even though he started out in a... less than desirable position, He now resides in Michael's inner circle of trusted gods. And much to his distaste, has been assigned to investigating the disappearance and exploitation of vaels.


empathetic • apprehensive • abrasive • religious

Name Daemon
Age ??? (Physically 20, ages with me)
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Species humanish / die object head
Birthday December 8th
star Sign Sagittarius
Occupation Mistian Sacrifice
Relationship Status Non | Existant
Personality ISTP

☆ Likes

  • Rainy days
  • Gold
  • Michael
  • Sweet things

☆ Dislikes

  • nonsensical rules
  • dealing with overly emotional people
  • the dark

☆ Trivia

  • His greatest fear is Michael 100% (but he is also afraid of the dark)
  • He refuses to call people by nicknames and just uses their full first name
  • Whenever you look one of his faces in the eye, it will give you good or bad luck based on which one it is

☆ Design Notes

  • His second form is a die object head, but the pips are replaced with eyes
  • Halo is optional for either form, but tail is on both
  • Maybe thinking that his tattoos and eyes glow under certain circumstances [i'll elaborate later]
  • While the eyes generally correspond to the placement and numbers found on a die, if he gets emotionally overwhelmed then the amount and placement can fluctuate
  • If you draw him, please use the updated markings and not the ones from the older images :)


[Before Death] Daemon lived in a... fairly peaceful village, up until the mist began seeping out of the ground. His village was one of the ones hit the hardest, as it laid right next a "mist stream". They fared better than most, as others in a similar position to them fell one by one, they remained standing. After 10 years, Daemon had been told of the things that lurked behind the film of grey, but had never actually seen them. Well, at least until one night when he heard the villages two youngest members' screams reverberating through the woods...


The last thing he could remember were the screams of children... and the grotesque smile of a Vael hovering inches from his face.


[After Death] Reincarnated as a beast with little to no memory besides the way he died, and his name, Daemon lived undiscovered in the mist for months. The longer he stayed there, the more he became corrupted by it... and at the first sighting of a Vael he snapped. He went on a rampage, not only killing the Vael that caused his outburst, but also managed to almost completely level at least one village nearby. The blind rampage lasted no more than a few hours, but caused an immeasurable amount of damage. He was only stopped after Michael got involved. He was originally going to be put to death, but after seeing the tortured human soul trapped inside this monstrous body, Michael decided to give him another chance. After a very long time of being held in captivity in the realm of deities, Michael was able to figure out how to essentially distill Daemon's form into a close approximation of what he used to be. The markings on his skin can be compared to that of a seal to keep his human form in place, and have essentially repressed his power to be that of a low/mid tier deity. Any new people who meet him will probably not think much of him, but those who know what he did will never forget.

Personality dump thing?? Idk

Mf is one of those guys that tries to act like he doesn't care but he definitely does, even if it is hard to get him to admit it. Generally gets along with most people, but is kind of bad at forming deep bonds one on one, and is rarely the one who starts a conversation. He's able to understand fairly well where other people are coming from, even if he doesn't agree, but despises when conversations turn into insult throwing with the sole purpose of hurting other people. He's generally a quiet and straightforward person, but when it comes to humans especially, he's a bit of a trickster... but not to a point where it becomes dangerous (at least not on purpose). Though, after what happened, he rarely showed his face to humans at all for a long time.

Actually just can't deal with people venting to him, even though he's empathetic he just doesn't know how to deal with that [at least not in words], so he tries to keep the subject matter light. He himself doesn't feel emotions strongly on a general basis, but when he does they are in very short bursts of (usually) strong negative emotions. He has a strange talent for changing the subject of a conversation if it ever gets uncomfortable.

Now it's your turn to roll the dice