


1 year, 9 months ago


Carmen Del Bosque - Forger Extraordinaire

90s, Appears 30s
Half-elf (eladrin/human)
Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Pear shaped
Cafe owner (art forger)
Married, mother of 2
Theme Song
Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani


The seventh child of the seventh child, Carmen is an adventurer and master art forger who retired to raise her children. Born in the Kingdom of Halura, Carmen was something of a child prodigy, showing an early talent for casting magic and art. Despite growing up in a family of merchants, Carmen dreamed of becoming a wizard. Unfortunately, while her family was by no means poor, they were unable to put forth the considerable amount of gold necessary to fund priavte tutors or enroll her out of pocket in Halura's prestigious universities. Likewise, Carmen grew up deeply suspicious of Halura's patriotism and was unwilling to pledge her life in service to the state in order to attend for free. Ultimately, she chose to pursue her other talent - art- and found an different avenue of funding her education.

Through intense sutdy, Carmen was able to both learn magic and begin a lucrative career as an forger - graduating into a fully fledged rogue and adventurer over time. Eventually, she was contracted for a heist where she met fellow rogue and half-elf Tomillo, who she would go on to marry and have children with. The two operated for several decades as a pair before deciding to partially retire in order to have children. Carmen has since opened a cafe, using it to showcase work from local artists - as well as a cover for the occasional commission.

extra info

> Carmen has two daughters- Dahlia and Daisy, the latter of which has also become an adventurer (though as a bard). Carmen is a firm proponent of her daughter's education, using funds set aside from her adventurers in order to assure her children had the best education growing up. While she was open to Dahlia pursuing whatever career she wanted, its a matter of no small pride that her daughter has become a full fledged spell caster. Unfortunately, its also become a major source of anger for her that Dahlia has been unable to finish her higher education due to the Timeless Union's policies re: shorter lived species.

>Aside from her children and husband, Carmen has a very large extended family, comprised mostly of half-elves, strewn across the continent. While not in direct contact with most of them (she does keep up with her siblings), the family sticks together as a unit, using each other as contacts within cities when traveling.

> Carmen and her husband Tomillo met while on the same job and then began to date after engaging in a sort of cat-and-mouse ritual afterwards, with both rogues competing to see who could infiltrate/rob an item first. They do this as a fun anniversary activity, though they return the item they stole in order to avoid trouble as they raise their children.


Tomillo (Husband)

Her husband of several decades, Tomillo is Carmen's other half and the father of her children. The two have a strong and loving marriage, though the competitive robberies and sparring seem unusual to outsiders. Prior to having children, Carmen and Tomillo worked together as adventurers for a number of years and are planning to pick that back up once their children are grown and settled.

Though Tomillo was the one to propose both dating and marriage, Carmen was the one who openly pursued him when they first met - both figuratively and literally when he lifted a painting she'd had her eye on. She often jokes he was her favorite bit of loot from the heist they met on.

Dahlia (Eldest Daughter)

Dahlia is Carmen's oldest daughter and an aspiring bard. Due to her inability to pursue higher education, Carmen has wholeheartedly supported Dahlia's ambitions since she was young. She also encouraged her daughter's interets in both the arts and magic and was excited to see her daughter flourish as a bard. The two are close, though Dahlia is occasionally worried by Carmen's vicious practicality.

While Carmen supports her daughter's adventuring career, she's furious that Dahlia has had to pause her college education.

Daisy (Younger Daughter)

Carmen's youngest daughter, Daisy is enjoying the same level of attention and care Dahlia recieved growing up- with the added benefit of being the second child. Like with her older sister, Carmen has been trying to encourage her daughter's passions and Daisy's art is often hung up in the cafe.

If Carmen is dissappointed that Daisy seems to be uninterested in magic the way Dahlia was, she's done an excellent job of hiding it. With Dahlia away adventuring, most of Carmen's focus is on her youngest and the two have scheduled mother-daughter days for going on "mini" adventures.

Rosa (Mother in-law)

A living-legend and famously difficult woman, Rosa is Tomillo's mother and Carmen's in-law. While some women might have found Rosa's notoriety intimidating, Carmen took it in stride and the two women get along surprisingly well, often sitting down together over coffee to talk about old jobs or gossip.

While Carmen understands Rosa, and is fond of her, she sees the women more as a sisterin-law than mother due to her eccentric personality. Still she's happy to let her children around her, even if she does check to make sure Rosa hasn't taught them anything particularly unhinged.