


6 years, 3 months ago


Male - Mailman

A friendly face that helps Hero and couple others to get out of snowstorm and get to the abandoned factory. Suddenly, the door closes and freezes in place.

Win is devastated to realise that he helped others only to get them stuck in a seemingly worse situation. Some of the survivors tell him that it's not Win's fault, which has brightens his mood and makes him a very useful ally in searching for an exit. He's good at remembering smallest details and getting across dangerous rooms. He calls it a mailman's intuition, because sometimes he needed to improvise to deliver mail into the most obscure places.

Contrasting with Hero, in eyes of others they're good reliable partners. While Win agrees, Hero is more hesitant and treats him as an another unstable survivor. Acknowledgment of that makes Win's ego hurt a little bit, but he gets Hero's point of view and tries not to intervene as often as he wants.

Has conflicts with two fox sisters - Chris and Bell. As soon as it gets known about their selling of contrabands, Win is the first one to refuse accepting any materials from them, even if it will help in surviving some of the rooms.

Even though Win is very soft-spoken when it's about something he's against of, it really shows how much Win dislikes certain people as he tries to ignore and lead Hero away from interacting with them.