Queen Siderian



2 years, 3 days ago


This is Legion's mama, she finally has a design!!!

Residing in a future version of Personalia from an alternate timeline, Siderian is a fearsome queen that oversees an army of cybernetically enhanced insects. Every one of her soldiers is her own kin, and not only is she a commanding force, but she is a caring mother. She adores her steel creations, and is a big fan of robotics. As such, her goal is to strive towards a true utopia, and she strongly believes this can be achieved through a more mechanical future. There is no greater gift in Siderian's eyes than becoming one with metal. Her army is specifically and cleverly crafted to help her achieve her goals, either by turning innocent bystanders into cyborg freaks of nature, or by eradicating anything that opposes Siderian's future. She doesn't just stop with her own timeline, in fact she's willing to go transdimensional with her message if it means progress.

Siderian is an emotibeast, specifically a monarachorm! Emotibeasts (and Personalia) were designed and created by my boyfriend, Emotibeast! His emotibeasts are open species, you can see them all here!