Insectinct Island (Monarachorm Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameRegiis Aranea Vermis
PowerProduce other Insectincts, Create Mutants, Hive mind over insectincts


 The Monarachorm is one of the most dangerous insectincts and most dangerous emotibeasts, of all time. Belonging to the Bio Power class, when it eats a live Emotibeast it uses chemicals in its stomach to produce a new batch of insectincts from the ovipositor on its chest. Its solely responsible for all the pureblooded insectinct species on the island. It also has a special hive mind connection to insectinct, able to signal them from over 100 miles away with a special hive mind connection it has with them. Another way it gets subordinates is by stinging foes, causing them to mutate and become Insectinct hybrid slaves, forced to obey.


Monarachorms eight arms and a veyr long serpentine wormy body. At the end is a stinger full of mutating venom. It has six teeth and six green eyes. It sports a crown shaped crest with three green dots on the center. They can reach up to 110 ft in length and tower above practically every emotibeast.


The Monarachorm belongs to the humanoid social class. They usually are born female, but males are a rare possibility, and there is usually just one Monarachorm alive at a time. When it reaches adolescence, it leaves behind an egg that lays dormant underground for decades. They do this as a fail safe in case the current Monarachorm perishes as an early adult, before it can serve a full lifespan. Some eggs are stolen and used for alchemy and other experiments, and like all emotibeasts their eggs can be infused with blood from other emotibeasts for a powerful hybrid.


The Monarachorm are ancient  emotibeasts, forgotten by the world. They have been around since the beginning, but eventually became subjugated to sticking to one island. Without the ability to cross the vast ocean, Monarachorms started making subordinates, Insectincts, to go out and hunt food for them. They have learned to produce multiple kinds, to handle different kinds emotibeasts. When they choose not to simply eat an emotibeast they instead mutate it into an insectinct. Some of them like to experiment with their venom and see the result of how different emotibeasts handle the injection.


● Monarachorms are some of the largest emotibeasts ever.

● Monarachorms are known for their parental love

● If two Monarachorms are alive, they will fight to the death for dominance.

● What they eat determines the insectinct they produce

● Monarachorms will usually believe they can keep the entire world under control

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