
6 years, 2 months ago


*~*~* ID --- EGO --- SUPEREGO --- *~*~*

ID encapsulates all the unconscious, instinctive ways of thought. They have strong, burning desires that they reach to fulfill every second of the day. Guided by the pleasure principle, they aim to get all their wants fulfilled, blind to the consequences that may follow. They’ll attempt risky behavior often that leads to injury. They encourage Ego to follow in their footsteps, but Ego is (usually) too smart to follow through. It is still tempting though.

Side notes:
-Chaotic good
-ID is more positive towards Ego than Superego is, but is a still negative influence and encourages them to participate in risky acts without prior preparation.
-They absolutely despise Superego's "RULES" book, believing it is abusive towards Ego, and will tear the book from Superego's hands when they go to use it.
-ID isn't fond of Superego's rules. They feel that the rules are too restricting.
-Throws temper tantrums. A lot. Superego thinks it's immature as hell. Ego has to be the one to step in and calm them down.
-Under those face bandages, ID has no eyes.
-However, ID has no problem knowing where they are or who is there, as if they aren't even blind.
-Their tongue isn't always out btw. it's just an expression and I wanted to draw them like that for their ref bc it was fitting for them.

Character Permissions
I would prefer ID's interactions stay with only Ego and Superego.