


6 years, 2 months ago


*~*~* ID --- EGO --- SUPEREGO --- *~*~*

Ego keeps the ID and Superego under control by working with their demands. They tend to think unrealistically in terms of needs, so Ego uses their reality principle to reason with both of them. Ego is the smartest of the three, and uses their ability to see reality as it is to give them advantage over ID and Superego. Because they are the only one with this ability, they are constantly busy, rushing between the needs of ID and Superego, trying to get everything done in a valid manner, avoiding all conflict. The temptations given by ID, and the strict rules from Superego, cause them a lot of stress. They find comfort from the stress through their many coping mechanisms.

Side notes:
-True Neutral
-In the real world they would be considered as "legally blind". They need their glasses at all times to be able to see.
-Although Ego, ID, and Superego are all the same age, Ego is always treated as the youngest of the three. Superego and ID feel the need to "teach" Ego about how to deal with the world in their own ways.
-Ego's agreeableness shifts between ID and Superego constantly. They can't just side with one of them. This unfortunately leads to a lot of conflict.
-Ego fears Superego's "RULES" book, but at the same time, feels it may sometimes be necessary to use it for grounding if they accidentally shift too far to ID's side. After being manipulated by the book, Ego gets very tired and has to rest for a while.
-Tea? Yes please!

Character Permissions
I would prefer Ego's interactions stay with only ID and Superego.