Primdonna of the Canary Palace



6 years, 3 months ago




Name: Joanna "Chickadee" Toddley    

     Basic Information:

Nickname(s): Joan, Chickadee, Chicka.

Date of birth: October 16th.

Age: 21 years old.

Height/Weight: 5'7" (with heels) and 5'5" (without heels).

Gender: Female.

Status/Orientation/Preference: Engaged to Adelmar of the Águila arpía Kingdom/ Bisexual/ Switch. 

Crush: To her fiancé.


  • A femme fatale character. Loves thrilling and scary situations. Not into a good person and likes doing things her way. Flirtatious and loves to watch people blush. Bossy. Arrogant and likes knowing she is the best singer in the Canary Palace. Can snap and physically hurt someone who pisses her off. Trusts no one but her father and brother, hard to get her to trust you. 

Occupation: Primadonna of the Canary Palace and daughter to the Gold King.

The Canary Palace? The Canary Palace is a small extension of the Canary Kingdom and is a theater for all the plays, musicals, and concerts the canary people do. It is open to any individual who wants to perform however it is also a front for the Golden Ones, a large mafia based in the Canary Kingdom. The Canary Palace singers are handpicked by the Gold King however the Primadonna is the singer with the most experience, the best voice, and is a crow favorite and the Primadonna is chosen by the singers.

The Gold King? The Gold King or Julius Coy Toddley leads the Golden Ones with an iron fist and brands his members with a melted gold canary skull. They control the kingdom with blackmail, extortion, kindness to their fellow man, and anything you can think of. He is not known to take any bribes or anything when it comes to the Canary Palace, it was his grandfather's pride and joy and it is his now. The Golden Ones were formed by Arthur Toddley, son of Heinrich Toddley, and actors and singers living in the Canary Palace after the Canary Palace was hit by hard times and the Canary Kingdom tried to take ownership of it and take away their freedom to perform and sing (the old king hated any form of the Arts). First they fought against the small army of soldiers that were sent by the Canary King to take them out and the Golden Ones won, they realized that they wouldn't be able to keep control over their "home" so they began a reign of verbally and secret attacks against their king and began to blackmail them. After they gained control of their Palace, they continued to blackmail and extort against the royal family so they could still be free.


Hair color: Canary yellow with yellow-orange roots.

Eye color: Dark teal.

Skin Color: Light canary yellow with orange freckles.

Health/Ailment(s): Stellar health/ After the shows end, she gets some soreness in her throat and won't speak for the rest of the night until the morning.

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: None/ Her children's first names on her left wrist and a brand of a canary skull on the back of her neck/A few attempts at her life have left a few scars but she won't show unless you are a partner of hers and a brand.


  • Likes: Any type of alcohol, any jewelry with gold in it, sex, strawberry and cheesecake cookies, strawberry desserts, singing, opera, revealing dresses., confrontation (it means a fight will happen and she knows she'll win), her mother of nacre pocket knife that her mother gave her, a good fight, children (don't tell this to anyone), homemade brownies.
  • Dislikes: Bad alcohol, cats, air-sac mites (when she was younger, she almost died from them), people who double cross her, men and women who tried to control her, talking shit behind her back, bad sex, her ex.


  • Canary Palace:
    • The Canary Palace is a small extension of the Canary Kingdom and is a theater for all the plays, musicals, and concerts the canary people do. It is open to any individual who wants to perform however it is also a front for the Golden Ones, a large mafia based in the Canary Kingdom. It is a French Creole Style building and is is surrounded by the most beautiful and scented flowers. It has a cafe called The Golden Song, a hotel called the Harz Roller Hotel, and the famous Canary Bird Theater.
    • Owned by the Toddley family and was built by Heinrich Toddley, a famous opera singer who wanted to provide a home to other birds and people who were born with the gift to sing. He built the theater and the hotel and took care of them until his death. The Canary Palace was taken care of by four generations of Toddley's and now is ran by Julius and his Golden Ones. 
      • He was married to Delice Ashlea Séverine, a pale red factor Canary. The two had problems and fought a lot but in the end, they did love each other so much. They met when he watched a play that Delice was acting in and he immediately fell in love with her. He tried to ask her out and court her with flowers and fruits (Delice hated chocolates) but she refused each and every time but one day, she sneaked into the theater and listened to him sing. After he finished, she clapped and asked if he could teach her to sing which in turn makes him become flustered. After two sessions, she asked him out on a date and he said yes.
      • They had two kids together, Gunther and Joanna (Chickadee) and a third however Delice died way before the baby could be born. 
      • Delice suffered from a blood disease (luckily was not inherited by her two kids) and died from severe anemia. This hurt Joanna a lot and refused to be addressed as Joanna and by Chickadee, a nickname her mother would call her.
        • Gunther is 17 years old and an architecture major in highschool who dreams of being the next Golden King and add a new building to the Canary Palace and make it a hospital to name it after his mother. Very kind, studious, kinda shy and flusters really easy. He is also very smart and Joanna is very proud of him and will flaunt his achievements when someone asks about him. 
  • Physical appearance is inspired by Bernadette Peters, voice actor would either be Bernadette Peters or Hannah Corneau.
    • However, she is a triple threat performer meaning she can sing, dance, and perform at the same time.
  • Carries a small pistol and a pocket knife in a garter holster on her left thigh. 
  • Fell in love with a crow man who abused her; after two years of abuse she killed him by stabbing him in the throat. After that, she trained herself on self-defense and marksmanship.
  • If you try to go overboard with flirting, she will laugh at you and say wow seriously, even if she looks prissy woman who loves the most expensive things but really she would appreciate homemade pastries and simple compliment.
  • Will have three children: they are in order of age:
    • Florencia Emperatriz Idoya Celsestino-Toddley: The Heir.
      • She was a surprise pregnancy because neither Adelmar and Chickadee knew they were going to have a baby and Chickadee did not show signs. Born premature by a few weeks after Chickadee began to feel very sick and had to go to the hospital.
      • Unable to feel emotions very well, they confuse her. For her parents sake, she tries very hard to show emotions. Does it pretty well but they are moments where her true nature shows. A very good liar. Somewhat capable to show empathy when she is in battle and commanding her troops.
      • Serious like her father.
      • Very competitive of her father's attention.
      • Has Wilson's Disease which causes her psychopathy and copper build up in her body.
        • This will lead her to get very sick and may or may not need a liver transplant.
      • Emperatriz means "Empress" in Spanish and Idoya -->
      • Clear Red Mosaic Canary
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    • Amalia Mitzi Celesestino-Toddley: The Artist. 
      • A Daddy's girl, she loves being around her father and craves his attention.
      • Amalia is the Latin form of Amala and it means "work" and Mitzi is the German diminutive of Maria.
      • Acts as a spy for the Golden Ones and her father's government. 
      • In her downtime, she enjoys spending time with her bffs, partying, and painting.
      • Her fashion sense is all over the place but mostly wears all shades of pink expect hot pink.
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    • Adelmar Jr. Lucas "Lucas" Celesestino-Toddley: The Singer.
      • The eldest between his twin sister Delice Jr. and himself.
      • The largest out of all the children due to being much like his father.
      • Isn't interested in being a prince and is interested in being a singer like his mother and grandmother.
      • Sings in the theater in his father's kingdom.
      • Herminino is the Spanish form of Herminius which is derived from the name Hermes and Eusebio is the Spanish form of Eusebius which is the Latinized form of Eusebios and it means "pious".
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    • Delice Jr. "Junior" Celesestino-Toddley: The Quiet Flower.
      • The younger, weaker twin between her twin Lucas and herself.
      • Is also not interested in being a princess or in the line of succession and would rather spend her time taking care of plants.
      • Studies biology and botany to preserve her father's kingdoms' plant life.
      • Too shy to ever sing in public.
      • She's named after her grandmother.
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