Primdonna of the Canary Palace (Her Children)



6 years, 2 months ago


dd3b7fbcb611e8e8be9c3e1567f0dc2f.jpgFlorencia Emperatriz Idoya Celsestino-Toddley: The Heir.

20 years old.

She was a surprise pregnancy because neither Adelmar and Chickadee knew they were going to have a baby and Chickadee did not show signs. Born premature by a few weeks after Chickadee began to feel very sick and had to go to the hospital/Unable to feel emotions very well, they confuse her. For her parents sake, she tries very hard to show emotions. Does it pretty well but they are moments where her true nature shows. A very good liar. Somewhat capable to show empathy when she is in battle and commanding her troops/Serious like her father/Very competitive of her father's attention/Has a disorder that causes copper build up in her body/This will lead her to get very sick and may or may not need a liver transplant.

c66b2c4e312f3949d95d92d01f4332c3.jpgAmalia Mitzi Celesestino-Toddley: The Artist.

18 years old.

  • A Daddy's girl, she loves being around her father and craves his attention/Acts as a spy for the Golden Ones and her father's government/In her downtime, she enjoys spending time with her bffs, partying, and painting/Was planned per say (they wanted another child).

1bfe59b3dfc14bdc62aad481e2bf7b4d.jpgAdelmar Jr. Lucas Celesestino-Toddley: The Singer.

1 year old.

  • The largest out of all the children due to being much like his father/Isn't interested in being a prince and is interested in being a singer like his mother and grandmother/Will relinquish his place in the line of succession so he can do his dream job/Sings in the theater in his father's kingdom when he is older/Another surprise baby but a surprise twin!


Delice Jr. "Junior" Celesestino-Toddley: The Quiet Flower.

1 year old.

The younger, weaker twin between her twin Lucas and herselfIs also not interested in being a princess or in the line of succession and would rather spend her time taking care of plants/ Studies biology and botany to preserve her father's kingdoms' plant lifeToo shy to ever sing in public/ She's named after her grandmotherAnother surprise baby but a surprise twin!