Cretae Détester



1 year, 8 months ago


A doll within a doll within a doll holds three sleeping gods.

Cretae Détester





There's barely any sound in what they believe to be a void. It's dark, it's quiet, it's.... comfortable.

They never expected their plan to work, they didn't know if it even HAD worked, but this place... It was comfortable, they hadn't been comfortable in years, millennia, eons even, and it was taking all of their power not to drift off right there and then.

"We have to make sure it worked!" One yelled.

"We do, but it's... so warm, so comfortable. Can't we sleep?" Said another.

"We'll make sure it worked once we wake up" Yet another spoke between yawns, "We're all tired, the spell took too much out of us."

The first voice grumbled, but they were all too tired to keep speaking.

They drifted off to sleep as the body keeping them inside woke.


  • Bugs and animals
  • His husband
  • The night sky
  • Quiet
  • Bright lights
  • Clothes
  • Loud noises
  • The church


  • The true vessel. Contains the souls of the conjunction in deep sleep.
  • Body is made of cloth, the stuffing are live bugs (and the occational animal.)
  • Usually nude. He's in constant pain. Doesn't emote much.
  • Married to one of the children of the evening god. It's relationship is surprisingly healthy.

A single doll is made, the single result of eons of work, the three argue and argue who should go in it and escape for even longer. The doll sighs, tired of the bickering it says: "You're all conjoined anyways, you'll have to escape together."

They all quiet, they knew the doll was right but they hated the idea of spending more time together with eachother, but it had to be done. They grew tired of the pain.

They all went to sleep, and now it was the dolls turn to live.


The doll wandered around for years, it's insides felt empty so it collected bugs to fill it as stuffing, a nice symbiosis. It wandered around for longer, aimlessly enjoying the fauna and flora of the world it hadn't created.

One day, it stumbled across a living being. It seemed hurt, stuck underneath a boulder. The being yelled at it, an unpleasant noise. The thing seemed to dissaprove of the boulder being ontop of it, so he moved it. The being stood and... did something.. with its face (Something he'd later grow to know as a 'smile'), grabbed his hand and pulled him away into a structure nearby.

The being taught him language, taught him manners, he learned that this thing was named 'Jongin' and was... surprisingly charming. (Not like he'd have much to compare to.)

Jongin gave him a name, Cretae (he liked it) and a place to live. "You're free to leave whenever you want but.. um.. I like having you here!" he'd express, it made... something... inside Cretae beat.

They spent a long time together, they traveled, they ate, Cretae even learned to laugh, to cry, to feel. Jongin eventually offered Cretae something, a thing called "marriage". He didn't quite get it, but it wanted it.

They got married. It was a whole thing. The whole process annoyed Cretae, too much sound, too many clothes, too many people, but Jongin seemed happy so... He was happy too.

The doll had learned to live, and somehow managed to live quite a happy life indeed.

Borrowed Power (Can borrow from the sleeping gods within)

Most of Cretaes powers are passive, but if need be he can borrow the powers of the conjunction to do most anything. He rarely does as it leaves him more tired than usual and it bothers the gods peaceful sleep.



The Mind Electric

Coin Operated Boy

Love, Me Normally

I Am An Animal Cannibal

I Hope You're Hungry
Older "Brother"

You... I don't understand you. I saw you once, in a dream... You felt empty, your gaze made me feel sad. What life have you led? You seem well put together, why can't you be like me? I feel bad for you. I wish I could help you but I don't think you'd like my help.

You cannot get me here, mad hatter! I see your past, I see the blood on your hands. How many have you killed before me? Why do you think your mission is fair? I sense that this is not what you want, your eyes say it all! Yet you continue to do this... why? Would you not be more happy as anything else? I hope you open your eyes soon, hatter, or madness will consume you. I wish you luck.
Weird Quiet Offputting Curious