


1 year, 9 months ago


Gurē, the Smith
20 y/o
blacksmith & civil engineer

Gurē Cres-Sereno


analytical / shy / cynical
gurē is regarded highly for his intellect and general position as the assistant hold-engineer, being part of the only few well-versed in the functions of the ancient technology all around mar-bokkusu. he has a permanent stutter, caused by the two stroke that ocurred during his teens. he grew up with misha and brachet but never latched on to the popularity and public attention like they did, instead prefering to work away from the spotlight and gaining minimal recognition for his work. honestly, he prefers it that way; the sense of anonymity shields him for a certain amount of pressure.





G urē comes from an old family line of altar-keepers and geologists, careers typically outside of Norkaqqe's range. her immediate family is kind of sparse with the exception of her single father, but to make up for it she generally has a larger outer family: 7 aunts and 3 uncles and at least a couple dozen of cousins. she and her father moved to the capital when she was really young and her dad immediately picked up work as a constructor and an engineer, building and upkeeping homes for the capital's resident. as a result, Gurē was immersed in the world of ingenuity and technology, tinkering with the scrap parts her father would bring home all throughout childhood until she was finally old enough to enter the industry herself.

as an adult, her father is nearing retirement and her progressive goal is to create different inventions for convenience to aid him with things at his old age. she works closely with the Head of Translation and Runic Affairs- Kosch de Yevgarsan- in terms of maintaining the functioniality of Mar-Bokkusu's internal tech, an art that no one's hoped to recreate due to the ancient civilization preceding their residence been too complex for them to understand yet. However, when the Heat-Cradle abruptly fell and broke apart one night, gurē was at the forefront of the operation. Out of everyone, at least publically, she seemed to be the only one to begin to understand the inner mechanisms of their artificial sun, though only with the assistance of kosch and misha and the various ancient texts and relics they managed to dredge up from the stronghold's archives.


super duper swagadelic quote goes here... or just a short desc of ur character. text truncates if you go over!

by sharkadelic |