


1 year, 6 months ago



✧ The forest's lily

"Not only are adults boring, they are also liar. To think they are beyond children... What about you, 'King'? What would you think?"
Name. Lily Ghabadi

Nicknames. Lily, "Young Gentleman"

Age. 15

Gender. Male

Pronouns. He / They

Relation Status. not interested

— bisexual

— monogamous

occupation. High schooler

Date of Birth. May 26

HTML. jiko

A well mannered young man, Lily is the youngest son of a noble family with only half of their blood. He's known to be much more mature and smarter than his own age. Or is it the adults around him who slacks around?

Lily's upbringing and illness has left him in isolation for the exception of his brother. Until one day, one curious adventurer accidently stumbled upon their mansion.

Polite | Responsible | Quick-witted
Introverted | Prideful | Tells white lies
Distrustful | Petty | Avoidant

✧ First Face : The World.

“Young gentleman” as a title is not just some family’s pet name. It is a title of pride. A quick glance of what he is. Gentle and proper on the table. Lily is attentive to his surroundings and picks up little details that come unnoticed. He knows just the right act and word when it comes to facing problems and people. Prone to white lies just to appease people, but he still retains his honesty with words that don't exasperate. He empathizes with people easily and so do people sympathize with him. For the exception of other peers or people of nobility. He finds them too snobbish and annoying.

Lily’s diplomacy leaves an impression on many, especially when compared to his older brother. but his presence is only enclosed in the family. He tries to avoid forming conversation or bonds if possible. They are often exhausting to maintain, especially considering his chronic illness. Other factors include being afraid of being vulnerable due to his sentimentality and the thought that people won’t be able to reach his expectations. Most pity him, sometimes wondering what kind of person he would be if Lily Ghabadi wasn’t held back by his illness. Some have the impression he’s conceited.

✧ Second Face: Close ones.

Amiable but firm. He’s aware of his needs, wants, and desires as he is with others, and he is very honest with this. Lily is strong to his values and doesn’t let people take advantage of his altruism. He tries to tip the scale of priority to a balance. Knowing whether to sacrifice necessity for the better or when it’s harmless enough for him to indulge in himself. Still, knowing and doing are not comparable. And more often than he’d admit, he takes every opportunity to do what he wants and to take what he needs.

Lily’s gentle, just like his name. And it is true, it really is. But he’s also volatile and cynical. It’s the sort of thing where he can only think of those thoughts instead of acting on it but there are times where it slips out in the form of sarcasm. He’s quick to apologize whenever it slips out. He doesn’t want to hurt his own pride.

✧ Third Face: True Reflection.

A gentleman’s manners weren’t the only tradition he had learnt. Those who lie, use, and manipulate others for their own gain, are too common, especially adults with high pride. Those who make big mistakes and take little responsibility. He had experienced it first hand with his family, and by extension, their connections. It’s as if a family’s tradition. Lily’s learnt not to put their trust in anyone, not even his own brother. As such he’s used to doing things on his own accord. Even if it costs facing the consequence of his own illness. Sometimes he wishes there was someone he deems capable enough to help it out. Especially with his chronic illness .

Dealing with his illness is painful. His mood often sways due to his condition. When the symptoms come up he’s often cranky and avoidant. He’s bitter about it as he’s held back from doing things he like because of his stupid unidentifiable illness.

And it’s not only his illness that is difficult to deal with that made him bitter and resentful. He’s burdened with expectations of a gentle teen with perfect attitude and intelligence. The gentleman identity he’s imprinted since little. A boomerang too late to stop. It’s not like he hates being a “good guy”. But appealing to the impression and expectation of a perfect-all-around-good kid frustrates him to no end. He wished he could just prove to people that he’s just as messy as any other teen. But even going against their belief feels like a sin. So he keeps up the facade just like his family’s tradition.

which to ask forgiveness for:

what I am,

or what I'm not?
Height. 150cm

Designer. fuelli

Handedness. left-handed

Build. thin;ectomorph

Design Notes.
  • His doll "king" is optional.
  • Hair is very fluffy!
  • He's a cane user. Although i haven't gotten to draw him using it....


A slender teen with dark skin, white hair, and green tosca eyes. He often wears warm coat and collared shirt ranging from brown to pastel green.

art by boku.ningen
Signature Color

Build. Thin; Ectomorph

— Lily's body is thinner than the average. Physically he's weak and isn't able to move as much as the average person.

— If someone or something were to hit him he would probably fall

Scars. -


— Click the text above for voice sample.

— Soft and calming. His voice is somewhere in the alto range

Eyes. round tosca green

— His brother notes that his eyes makes him look quite sappy

Clothes. Comfortable and warm

— Lily often wears clothes and coats with fluffy texture. Such as fur and wool. He's sensitive when it comes to texture.

Scent. content

— Explain in greater detail.

— Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Accessories. His doll

— It's name is "King". Lily refers to it with they/he/it

— It was a mascot for a scrapped children's book that was replaced for anothe story. The author had commissioned specially for him because of his father's help and since he loved the character and story so much. It's his item of comfort.

And took it from me-it was ill, they told me-
And they cured it, they wrote me: my whole city

Moral Alignment.
Likes. his doll; the world outside; the forest; warm cocoa

Dislikes. adults; expectations; his illness; bed bugs


— Lie detection

Lily is able to see a pattern in which a person is lying or telling the truth

Fears. unable to survive on his own; growing up; losing his values; what lies in the forest at night

Ambitions. to live on his own; becoming a traveling novelist;

Health. Lily's struck with a terminal illness passed down from his family generation, leaving him immunocompromised. Every week he takes treatment therapy.

Beliefs. Religiously, secretly agnostic (borderline atheist) despite his religious family. The tipping point for this was because his prayers to make cartoon dog real was never answered.

Personally, he believes that everything is made of white lies and adults are just teens with bigger responsibilities.

Hobbies. Reading books of nature and other interesting stories of advantures sailing the world. Since he cannot go out at his own accord, he makes summaries of interesting stories and puts it in his own notebook. He also enjoys taking walks in the garden and daydreaming of the adventures he could take if it were not for his illness and responsibillities.

  • Despite his intellegence and problem solving skills, Lily isn't... As wise as they seem.
  • His original design was actually his doll, while the human design was it's past human form named "Nathan". This idea was scrapped and renewed into perajut tali mimpi.
  • His ailment is akin to adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA), an autosomal recessive disorder.





Pain Tolerance.

centre of attention.
Goes with the Flow.
Stays in the Past.
Moves on.
Social Butterfly.
lily of the valley
bunny/sea slug
dream land

So I will learn to live with it.
Because I can live with it.

"You want to learn more about me..?"


. Inspirations

"Spider Lily Symbolism"
"Komeiji Satori"
"Kageyama Ritsu"

the story at a glance.

  • Born from a one night stand of a peasant father and aristocratic mother. Taken and welcomed by the mother's side. DNA test was faked per his mother's request so they didn't know (yet)
  • Unfortunately Lily suffered from a terminal disease and was immediately treated for it. Later time father got curious and dug out Lily's medical document and found out he wasn't his son. Family's relationship got restrained and they start lying and hiding from each other to keep up the good facade.
  • Growing up, Lily was considered high maintainance by their parents (illegitimate child matter aside) due to his disease. He was left to the maids and his caretaker. Fortunately to him, his caretaker was loving to him as wall as his brother.
  • At one point a stranger broke into his garden with no memories of how or why did they get there and showed proof of their adventures. Lily becomes interested and they became penpals. Slowly, Lily starts showing more interest in venturing the outside world.
  • Pen pal introduced him to their sister who happens to know stuff about his medical condition. Helps him out and treats him the way no one used to. Starts to adore her and interest slowly develops into an ambition.

This story section is blank and unfinished. It'll be updated some time in the future

✧ WARNING: mention of adultery.

  • Lily is born
  • He got diagnosed an pretty chronic illness
  • Father found out about the medical records and shit got messy
Chapter Zero.

Born into a family of aristocrats. As the newest son of the family, he was showered with praise and blessing the day of his birth. The young boy was given the name “Lily” by his mother. Things were seemingly going well for the young boy. The future seemed bright.

"Curabitur nec gravida est?"

"Curabitur pellentesque, mi at varius mollis, tortor nisi interdum sapien, ut vestibulum eros ante a purus."

Nullam velit ante, bibendum quis risus id, posuere pulvinar sapien. Aenean eu interdum lorem, sit amet porttitor libero. Maecenas sed accumsan neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris pharetra sodales odio nec sagittis. Nullam quis viverra nisi, quis molestie lorem. Sed ornare hendrerit rutrum. Phasellus auctor libero ut pellentesque dictum.

Maecenas a risus dolor. Phasellus accumsan, ligula et efficitur pretium, enim metus vehicula orci, eu elementum purus odio non lectus. Sed gravida, nibh quis facilisis luctus, libero arcu fringilla libero, vitae maximus orci nisi eleifend sapien. Donec blandit massa vitae est dignissim, eget mattis velit sollicitudin. Quisque placerat dolor mauris. Nullam tristique tortor lectus, eget dictum neque consectetur vel


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings

  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Chapter One.
Lonely whitey.

Keep this as first paragraph. Proin dictum tempor lacus. Sed et felis augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. In a magna a nibh ornare lacinia ut quis nibh. Aliquam vestibulum dolor eu ipsum pretium, nec maximus libero malesuada. Integer arcu est, aliquet sed varius ac, dictum sit amet nibh.

Duis id magna et diam porta lobortis eu at felis. Fusce vestibulum sapien cursus, ornare nisi at, viverra tortor. Mauris accumsan elit non justo laoreet posuere. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse maximus ullamcorper tellus.

"Quisque sed finibus augue. Integer ac tortor congue, pellentesque tortor vitae, semper ante."

In imperdiet turpis in justo rutrum, eget porta felis vulputate. Fusce sodales nisl libero, quis mollis lacus laoreet in. Quisque vel sagittis est. Curabitur eu est ac ipsum egestas volutpat.

"Proin lobortis convallis ultricies. Donec commodo finibus mi. Nulla hendrerit orci ut libero scelerisque, vitae accumsan lorem varius. Cras auctor vitae nisl non elementum. Donec magna eros, placerat sed finibus eu, interdum vel nisl."

Curabitur ut purus dignissim, tincidunt tortor a, posuere diam.

Sed gravida aliquet bibendum. Nullam sed sapien porttitor, eleifend libero eget, malesuada velit. Proin commodo id erat sit amet interdum. Nulla ac sapien viverra justo rhoncus consectetur et in ex. Aliquam bibendum vitae nunc sed posuere. Cras sit amet fermentum nibh. Maecenas accumsan eu leo quis scelerisque. Nullam non urna eu dolor finibus fringilla vel eget sapien. Pellentesque semper consectetur sem ut pharetra.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings.

  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Chapter Two.
Lily of the Valley.

Keep this as first paragraph. Mauris mauris nisi, faucibus sed nisi pellentesque, posuere convallis augue. Nunc pulvinar, nisl ut consectetur auctor, lectus urna varius est, ut scelerisque sapien tellus ultricies massa.

Donec congue in ligula non elementum. Mauris suscipit, nibh lobortis finibus malesuada, massa mauris dapibus lacus, sed elementum nunc massa nec sapien. Quisque eleifend libero ut eleifend commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Cras ac egestas elit. Vestibulum mi magna, convallis in placerat ac, iaculis quis ipsum. Fusce tempor convallis diam, at semper dolor gravida sodales. Nam et tincidunt sem. Nullam hendrerit mi risus, et commodo diam laoreet ac. Pellentesque hendrerit nulla et purus condimentum molestie. Phasellus pretium ex sit amet nisl aliquet molestie.

Pellentesque eu dictum quam. Vivamus eget lectus ligula. Etiam consectetur felis nec nibh porttitor, vitae laoreet nunc placerat. Etiam mattis nisl quis lectus feugiat convallis. Pellentesque convallis eleifend tempus. Proin ac diam a magna tincidunt volutpat id vel libero. Donec finibus justo sed leo ultrices, sed volutpat quam posuere.

"Nulla libero ex, tristique et imperdiet ut, sollicitudin ac ante. Curabitur fringilla sodales auctor. Duis nec quam arcu. Nullam venenatis diam nulla, vehicula ultricies magna viverra faucibus. In mauris purus, commodo a orci pulvinar, tincidunt rhoncus eros."

Nam gravida quam vitae bibendum eleifend. Nulla quam nisl, vehicula non dapibus vitae, tristique nec orci. Sed nec nunc vitae quam sagittis accumsan. Cras auctor sapien nec egestas ullamcorper. Donec vel hendrerit lectus. Quisque venenatis nisi tellus, at suscipit augue elementum et. Sed urna sapien, eleifend sed rhoncus eget, porttitor sit amet dui. Phasellus pretium quis ligula id dictum. Sed efficitur lectus quis massa dignissim semper.

Sed felis ante, dignissim vitae dolor vel, euismod porttitor diam. Sed at suscipit ante. In consequat augue sit amet est congue vestibulum. Sed ut laoreet nunc. Nam nec egestas nisl, sit amet fermentum ex. Donec non molestie nisi. Proin semper purus eget consequat imperdiet. Proin vitae nunc ut enim commodo malesuada. Maecenas molestie consequat nibh, ut sodales sapien tristique non. Curabitur maximus rutrum rutrum. Nullam porttitor elit eget eleifend tristique. Pellentesque vitae leo dui. Duis imperdiet, ligula ac placerat aliquam, leo augue imperdiet ex, efficitur cursus odio elit sed lectus.

Proin ut diam tortor. Ut eu lacinia arcu. Maecenas a iaculis tortor. Vivamus sed vestibulum enim. Ut posuere velit tortor, quis venenatis nunc blandit ut. Morbi vel urna elementum, pulvinar est at, suscipit massa. Nam consectetur rhoncus lorem, quis mollis sem fringilla sed. Phasellus at ultrices massa, a porta lorem. Fusce lectus nisi, hendrerit sit amet laoreet sit amet, auctor eu tellus. Phasellus varius aliquet mauris, at gravida tellus porta eu.

"Maecenas pharetra blandit orci a laoreet."


big brother
"sigh, I'm really grateful for Lily. He's always saving my ass and is even better at getting his shit together than i'll ever be. I'm not a very good big brother to him... haha"

— Florence's thoughts towards Lily

"Florence bro? Hehe, He's eloquent in hiding his dilemmas and inabilities. He's trying very hard, ofcourse, I respect him immensely. But above all: he's a good person."

— Lily's thoughts towards Florence

( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
Trust. (at his job)
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )

✧ Attitudes and Dynamic.

Inspite of their age gap, Lily and Florence are close to each other. They respect each other but aren't afraid to get playful with one another. He's aware of his brother's true nature and tries to help him the best he can, even taking on his job without him asking. Many times he's swooped in when Florence got caught in a predicament (which is often). And unlikes the adults he resents for putting up a facade, he finds Florence understandable. Albeit funny

Both of them believes that Lily's the more capable one on running the entire house. Lily even likes to tease his big brother on this one. But he's more than grateful that his big brother is still capable on handing it personally. It's his responsibillity as an adult and not a teenager's. Especially an ill one.

Beside, Florence is Lily's only family member he respects and loves. They share their troubles and family woes that have both afflicted them. In all his life the only one who listens to his interest and personal desire were his caretaker and big brother. Florence was awkward when it comes to showing affection but it didn't matter really. Even during Lily's bitter and painful moments Florence was there to listen to his suffering and needs.

✧ Hopes for the Future.

He only hopes that both he and Florence can go travel the outside together, inspite of Florence shut-in tendencies. He really hopes it gets better.

  • More often he looks down on his brother in term of technical abillities. However when it comes to speech skills his pen and notebook are ready. He's genuinely impressed and looks up to his speech skill. Florence is embarassed by this but also proud
  • Since Lily isn't able to go outside of the vicinity of his mansion, for the exception of special occassion, Florence likes to bring things per Lily's request when he's out of town. Usually books of famous adventurers.
  • Lily often walks up to his brother unnoticed. It surprises Florence every time.
"Lily's a smart and nice lad! His eyes are always sparkling whenever i told him of my stories."

— Xeikthyr's thoughts towards Lily

"Their stories are all so endearing to read. Reading their messages are always a joy. I wish we could meet more often..."

— Lily's thoughts towards Xeikthyr

( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )

✧ First Encounter and Impressions.

Lily found Xeikthyr with scrap and bruises at the mansion's garden. Xeikthyr has no idea why they got there but Lily on high alert immediately reported of their presence. Things ended well but not for Xeikthyr who got kicked out while their journal's still left in the garden. Lily's curiosity made him explore the journal's page. Little did he know, it was the best decision in his life.

He found the address in the journal and properly sent it back to Xeikthyr's place. Within the book contained a letter of interest from Lily. And from then on, they started writing letters to each other. The letter exchange mostly contained of Xeikthyr's experience and the things they've fount in their adventures while Lily only contains bits of analysis and tons of questions. Later on, Lily slowly open up more and even shared his personal problems that even his brother doesn't know of.

✧ Attitudes and Dynamic.

Lily offers nothing to Xeikthyr other than letters of adoration, admiration, and woes he can't let anyone knows. And Xeikthyr only offers vast tales, a listening ear, and kind words.

Lily full trusts Xeikthyr with his personal matters. Exchanging letters with them fulfills half of the life Lily hasn't experienced, or ever if worst comes to worst. Xeikthyr's honest and easygoing nature shows through the way they write their letters. Even more so when the rare chance of meeting in person comes. They're almost like a long lost older sibling to him.

✧ Hopes for the Future.

He really wish he could meet them in person. And maybe even go out venturing together doing whatever they want. Aside from that, they also wish their memories would get better.

  • They're half-siblings. None of them knows this though
  • Often Xeikthyr sends souvenir from their adventures. Usually a form of dried leafs, trinkets, living animals in a jar. There are times when they got thrown out because of the unusuality. The helper who threw them out immediately got fired once Lily found out. He's still angry about it.
  • Aside from messaging, they also use phone and other electronic device to communicate. Sometime Xeikthyr does a live video for him.
"He's a strong kid. Despite what it seems, Lily has a vast future waiting ahead of him."

— Heithrun's thoughts towards Lily

"I had my doubts but im sure of it! Miss Heithrun is the most amazing adult i've ever met."

— Lily's thoughts towards Heithrun

( now. )
( now. )
( now. )
( now. )
( now. )
( now. )

✧ First Encounter and Impressions.

How did these two characters meet? Did this lead to a positive or negative impression of NAME?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

✧ Attitudes and Dynamic.

Despite their first encounter, how is their dynamic now? Any different? Or did something during their time together influence something else?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

✧ Hopes for the Future.

Any plans for the future? Does MC want to become best friends with this character or... perhaps does MC want the character to drop dead?

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Heithrun's close friend and Xeikthyr's mentor. They're great, at first atleast. Lily has his suspicions. They definitely can't be trusted. So why do they...?
