Gumbar the Good



1 year, 11 months ago


Pronouns: She/Her

World: Chronicles of Had

Birthday: July 20

Height: 3'9" (~114.3cm)


Gumbar is a cheery and optimistic little critter with a heart of gold. In her world, the Land of Had, she ventures across the globe spreading joy and happiness wherever she can. Having an unwavering moral compass, she is very set in her ways; she approaches problems in her own unique way and triumphs with her unpredictable and outlandish methods. Some may find it intimidating, others laughable. But Gumbar doesn't care; she does what she wants and comes out on top! Due to events in her past, Gumbar has been pinned with rumors of being a fearsome barbarian that goes by the name of Magumus. Gumbar sets out to squash those rumors as well as anyone who would want to do her (or other innocents) harm. Gumbar wears a large green hat that has magical properties, allowing her to pull out anything she wants from it. Because of this, she has survived on her own and comes up with effective and rather silly ways to take care of obstacles, enemies, and the like.

Trivia & Facts

  • Gumbar's species is canonically unclear. There have been many speculations as to what she is, but nobody truly knows for sure- not even Gumbar herself.
  • Gumbar's name was one that I came up with on the spot and decided to stick with as it was the perfect name for a silly character such as herself.

Design Notes

  • Gumbar's design is meant to be easily translatable to other styles.
  • Gumbar does not have eyelashes.
  • Gumbar only has four fingers.