Serene Hearts (FFXIV)



1 year, 8 months ago


✦ Details
Name Serene Hearts
Nickname Serene
Age Appears in early 20s
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Demisexual
Ethnicity Au'ra (Raen)
Occupation Wandering Mercenary / Serpent Officer
Residence The deepwoods of Gridania
✦ Appearance
Height 5'3''
Body Type Standard
Hair Style Straight, long, elegant
Hair Color Silvery pink/purple
Eye Color Violet (Left Eye) and Golden (Right Eye)
Skin Color Light tan
Clothing Style Varies
Posture Normal
Other N/A
✦ Likes
- Being with Delicate
- Quiet, relaxing environments
- Practicing her combat skills
- Traveling and Sightseeing
- Sweets
✦ Dislikes
- Arrogance
- Looking down on others
- Gossiping
- Crowded places
- Loud people or things
✦ Traits
- Reserved
- Calm
- Determined
- Protective
- Willful
✦ Quirks
✦ Hobbies
- Sightseeing
- Travelling
- Doing things with Delicate
- Humming
- Practicing Magic
✦ Skills
- Magic Archery (Far-range)
- Magic Swordsmanship (minor, melee range)
- Magic (Elemental / Offensive)
- Magic (Enhancement / Supportive)
- Agility
✦ Personality Traits
  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Clumsy 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 

✦ General Backstory

Serene Hearts (Seiren by birth name), is the only child of a peaceful, reserved couple who migrated from the Far East to Gridania, due to a tragedy that was befalling their people.

She met Delicate when they were younger, and stayed at the oprhanage that he was at for roughly a year while her parents were on a mission (a family matter that concerned the reasoning why they migrated in the first place). During that year stay at the oprhanage, the two children grew close to each other and made promises that they would see each other, but when Serene's mother returned, everything changed.

With the absence of her father, and the family adopting a new course of action, Serene's mother trained her day in and day out to mold her into a great fighter. Her mother wanted her to be able to defend herself, because she knew that she might perish in the fight to come... Serene, painfully aware of this, kept her mouth shut and did what her mother wished.

Years went by, and when her mother deemed that Serene was strong enough to take care of herself in the event that she would fail on her mission, she gave Serene her necklace and embarked to save Serene's father. Serene patiently waited at home, torn over the fact that her mother wouldn't take her with her--she was capable of handling things! So instead, she began to take up mercenary work. After years passed, and she earned enough money, honing her skills even more, she enrolled in the Serpent Officer Academy, where she would soon discover that also in the Academy was Delicate Hearts, her long lost friend.

Rekindling their friendship, the two would share many secrets vand adventures for years to come.

After two years in the Academy, Hydaelyn's calling for Warriors of Light began, and Delicate Hearts received his calling. He wasn't sure where his fate might take him, but Serene had other matters to attend, as word of her mother finally got around--and Serene was determined to make peace with her parents' murderers and finally put an end to the demons that haunted her family line for so long.

The two regretfully parted ways once more, with promises to recoup in the future, seriously this time.

Eventually, Serene's venture took her to the enemies of her family -- a powerful foe that she could never hope to defeat (An Ascian). Despite not wanting to give up, it seemed as though her life was at an end, until, seemingly out of nowhere and as if fate was intervening, Delicate Hearts' journey intersected with her own, and he was able to save her. The two shared everything they learned on their adventures, and Delicate informed her on what he knew about Ascians, and from that moment on, the two swore a deep oath to one another, promising to never leave the other's side ever again.

Now, the two are seemingly inseprable.

✦ Trivia
● Delicate is 2 years older than Serene. The two first met when they were 7 and 5 years of age, respectively.
● Serene was never called Serene Hearts until she swore the oath to Delicate Hearts. Until then, she was known as Seiren Kazutake (from birthright) and Serene Flower (from the orphange elder).
● Delicate nicknamed Serene "my flower" or "flower", partially due to the fact that her name in the Oprhanage was "Serene Flower".
● Serene is a descendant of the Kazutake, a Raen tribe whose innate magic is representative of swirling Light and Dark energy--an energy that could take physical appearance in the form of different kinds of weapons. In Serene's case, she chooses an Arcane bow and Arcane sword.
● Since the day they parted ways as children, Serene felt a connection to Delicate, even if she wasn't able to explain or decipher what it was. Many times she wanted to return to see him whilst her mother was training her, but she felt that obeying her mother's wishes and carrying on her parents' legacy was more important than her feelings...
✦ Relationships
Delicate Hearts These two share a deep bond, which they have both sworn to each other. Fighting side-by-side in this world full of turmoil, the two are inseprable and guard each other with their lives, someday hoping that the tides will calm in the future. They share a dream that one day they will be able to share a quiet life together in the woods of Gridania.