


1 year, 8 months ago


"I'll show you just how beautiful the world is once it burns."

(Corrupted) God of Self. Born ofAether's interactions with humanity whilst in a dark era, in hopes of bringing a better future.

   A former benevolent god who inspired people to believe in themselves and strive for their best.
   He met Conquest, and became enamored with his inspiring (false) selflessness, and corrupted by the slow realization of his egoism and then imminent betrayal.
   After becoming disillusioned with the ideals of self improvement and love, he decided that the best for humanity was to ignore and evade such "fragile" and "futile" things, now leading them into lives of hedonism.
   Sophron influenced, and still influences mortals through his divine will; manifested through suggestive voices seeded in the mortal subconscious. Similar to subliminal messages, but much more potent, as the mortal may even hallucinate, but not be aware of it, as if daydreaming.
   Currently, he is taking "care" of Kiel, his mortal champion, to ensure he takes down Ruaidhri's devilish plot, the Heaven's Order, even if only for his own selfish purposes, fueled by envy of the God of Authority's affair with Conquest.

   Carries an axe, and is always grinding it, never thinking of it as quite sharp enough. His eye sockets are hollow, cold and dark, albeit with a small fire burning inside, remnants of the hope he once brought to mankind, now only fueled by a rage that once consumed him from within, which still refuses to die out.
